June 2017 Meeting

May 2017 Meeting

April 2017 Meeting

March 2017 Meeting

November 2016 Minutes

11/16/16 Greenwood Lake Commission West Milford, NJ

The meeting started at 7pm. Paul Zarrillo read aloud the Open Public Meetings Law and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Paul Zarrillo opened the meeting and asked for approval of minutes and payment of bills. Other than standard utility and office rent payments, bills for the Greenwood Lake Commission include Scott Wood LLC for removal of floating islands, John Joseph for debris removal services, and B&B for dumping the materials.

Resolution: Approval of minutes from October 2016 and payment of bills up to November 16th. Motioned by: Paul Sullivan Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen X
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X

Commissioner Reports Recording starts with rusting brackets somewhere in the lake. Filters are ok - assume the convo is about the catch basins. Paul Zarrillo asked Floyd about the user fee laws. Floyd reported that he followed up with NY State and verified that the user fee law passed several years ago is still on the books. Eric Hastings - No Report Bill Link - Reported to the Commission what the current drawdown levels were, and passed around information found on the NJDEP website on water levels for Greenwood Lake. He also passed around drought zones for New Jersey. Paul Sullivan asked the NJDEP rep what the current reduction of water in the lake is, Josh reported that the lake has been reduced 4 feet and 8 inches. Paul Sullivan recommended based on his findings that the Commission vote to end the drawdown January 1st.
Resolution: To recommend to the NJDEP to reduce lake outflow to the minimum level on this date, November 16th 2016, and end the drawdown on January 1st, 2017. Motioned by: Paul Sullivan 2nd by: Eric Hastings Bill Link also wanted to report that the floating islands are up by Fox Island, and wanted to inform the contractor. Mike Flaherty did comment that the lake has not lowered since Nov 11th, and if we were to reduce the rate of flow the lake would start to rise. Paul Sullivan and Eric Hastings withdrew their motion based on the discussion. Paul Sullivan - Reported that he and Eric Hastings would go around the lake and collect sites that could be desilted. Dale VanNimwegen - Reported that the initial budget discussions have taken place, and that after meeting with the steering committee she feels confident that a budget will be ready to present to the Commission next meeting. George Vurno - George reported that he has a draft of a contract with him and motioned to have an executive session to discuss the terms. Floyd DeAngelo seconded. All were in favor. In consideration of the people's time, the Commission decided to wait until the end of the meeting to hold executive session. Paul Zarrillo - Reported that he attended the Highlands Coalition meeting and said they raised several concerns over the drought. He also reported that he emailed Kerry Pflugh of the NJDEP regarding the state of the drawdown and the conditions of the Ringwood State Dam. Paul reported that 19 truckloads of floating islands debris had been removed from the lake. Paul reported that he had been looking into drone companies to take aerial footage of the lake. Ballpark estimates range from $1500 to $2000. Paul recommended that we move forward to approving a contractor to take aerial drone footage of Greenwood Lake. Resolution: To pay a contractor up to $2000 for drone footage of Greenwood Lake relevant to possible water improvement projects and to mark dangerous obstructions.
Motioned by: Paul Sullivan 2nd: Eric Hastings All in favor. Paul reported the MSU will be ready soon with their water testing report Paul also reported that the next round of boating classes on Feb 26th, May 22nd, and August 13th. OLD BUSINESS Drawdown started Oct 11th, as of today the lake has been lowered 4 feet and 8 inches. Ringwood State Park staff will regularly monitor the lake conditions as the drawdown proceeds. Bill Link wanted to mention for the record that the drawdown could end as early as Jan 1st, 2017 so that people conducting work can be put on notice. Eric Hastings commented that the last time the Commission closed the book on user fees there was an agreement that if it were to be re-opened, it would be on the state level. Dale moved that the discussion be tabled. Bill Link seconded. Bill Link then motioned that the public session be opened. Paul Zarrillo seconded. Pubic session may be referred to by the recording - found below this document in a hyperlink. Time starts approx at 47 minutes. The GWLC moved to executive session. After returning, Dale moved the Commission approve the contract as annotated with the changes the Commission made during executive session. Paul Sullivan seconded. All in favor. Dale then motioned to close the meeting at 9:36pm. Paul Sullivan seconded. All in favor.

September 2016 Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission 9/28/2016 1810 Macopin Road, West Milford, NJ Meeting Start: 7:00pm Paul Zarrillo opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Zarrillo then read aloud the Open Public Meetings Act. Present: All Absent: None Lt. Kevin Hanrahan and John Cruzo: NJ State Police, Barry Cheney: Orange County Legislature, Terry Duffy: Passaic County Freeholder, Matthew Brett, Col. John Graham: West Point, John Buckheit: Village of Greenwood Lake Attorney, Steve Newhaus: Orange County, NY Executive.
Lt. Kevin Hanrahan and John Cruzo from the NJ State Police gave a presentation on the effect of the patrols. The representatives from the NJ State Police reported that they pulled over 138 vessels, but only gave warnings to boaters. The state police are expected to return next season with expanded patrols. COMMISIONER REPORTS Eric Hastings: No reports Eric Pain: Reported that the current lake is lower than average, which is due to the lack of rain. The drought warning that is currently in effect does not mean there is a drought, just that it is a possible occurrence.
Mike Flaherty: The NYDEC has only received a handful of application for dock and bulkhead maintenance, which is lower than average. The Village Attorney commented that historically the lion's share of permits are submitted in January. Floyd DeAngelo: Met with the Orange County Executive regarding the contract for funds that was rejected due to the language. The original contract was a reimbursement grant, but the funds were to be used for administrative expenses, such as office utilities, supplies, and various lake needs. Ed Krull: Village is developing a passive boat launch for non-motorized boats at the north end of the lake near the American Legion. The project has started and progress is being made. Bill Link: Reported that he and other marina owners are concerned of the effect of the current drought warning on the drawdown, despite the 6 week cushion, which allows the Commission to end the drawdown between Jan 1st and Feb 15th. Sullivan suggested that we wait until the public can voice their concerns before making a decision. Zarrillo reported that there are no plans from the NJDEP to cancel the drawdown. Clint: No report. Paul Sullivan: Attended yesterday's Freeholder meeting to update them on the projects and the drawdown. Sully requested assistance from the Freeholders if the drawdown takes place to de-silt the shore of the lake. The Freeholders are discussing the possibility and is waiting a status update on the drawdown. Sully also plans to discuss the possibility of an increased police presence next year with their help. Sully also complimented Zarrillo and his work, and reaffirmed his position that the Commissioners need to consider the amount of time they are able/willing to commit to the Greenwood Lake Commission, and he himself will resign if he believes he is not able to make that commitment. George Vurno: Reported why the contract from Orange County that was rejected. The original verbal agreement left us with the impression that the funds would not be granted on a reimbursement basis. The laws that govern the Commission restrict NJ funds from being spent in NY, and vice versa. Currently NJ has been paying the majority of basic bills and utilities. Paul Zarrillo: Reported that the NJDEP has awarded $84,350 to the Commission for stump reduction project. Zarrillo wished to thank Senator Pennachio and Kerry Pflugh from the NJDEP for their assistance in securing the funds. In order to accept them, the Commission needs to vote to accept. Zarrillo is concerned that if there was not a drawdown this year, then we would lose the funds. The current contract would only address the stumps and not the floating islands. Dale did mention that the contract had a provision to amend it if need be. Sullivan motioned to accept the funds, Dale seconded. All in favor except Mike Flaherty who abstained. Zarrillo continued his report. On Saturday Sept 24th, 30 students from MSU visited the lake to conduct water and sediment testing. Zarrillo thanked several volunteers present in the audience, and Elena Dystra from Greenwood Lake Marina, for lending the Commission 3 personal boats so the students could conduct the testing. Col. Graham from West Point participated in the outing, commented that the water testing can be applied to grant applications. Steve Newhaus entered the meeting at this point, and did not intend to interrupt but had the updated contract and check for $20,000. The Commission allowed Steve Newhouse to interrupt so the contract could be signed and notarized at the meeting. Zarrillo continued his report. He attended a North Jersey District Water Supply meeting earlier today to request compensation for the 3.3 million gallons of drinking water that is supplied daily from Greenwood Lake. He and many others believe that Township of West Milford, as well as the other municipalities surrounding the lake are unfairly burdened by the effects of the Highlands Act, and wish to receive compensation to mitigate the cost. The Chairman of the District Supply Board did mention that water purification efforts on the lake would save the processing plant money, and if that was accomplished there could be compensation to the Commission. Zarrillo reported on the reward for information on the hit and run accident this past Labor Day. The Greenwood Lake Commission worked to get reward money - not $22,000 as reported in the paper. It's between $6,000 and $11,000. Donors: Moosehead: $500 GWL Marina: $500 Emerald Point $500 Defeo's Marina: $500 Sportsmans Marina: $2500 Jersey PaddleBoard: $100 Bridget Vanderboss: $100 Awosting Association: $500 Andrew & Densie Baker: $100 Scott Burnam: $50 South Shore Marina: $500 Small Craft Marina: $5oo

Dale VanNimwegen gave the Treasurer's Report. Expenses - Normal operating expenses. Pizza for Sept 24th testing. Also reported that the Commission's Directors and Officers Insurance Policy would be due next month. Public Portion: The Commission opened the floor and allowed a discussion amongst the public, and had an extensive discussion regarding the drawdown. At 9:30 Ed Krull motioned to adjourn the meeting, Sully seconded Yes: Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Floyd DeAngelo, Ed Krull No: Paul Zarrillo, George Vurno, Dale VanNimwegen, Michael Flaherty, Eric Pain, Eric Hastings, Bill Link The public portion continued until 9:36. Motion to close public portion - Dale, seconded by Eric. All in favor. Close meeting at 9:37. Eric Hastings motioned, Dale seconded. All in favor except George Vurno who abstained. Below are links to important documents including: Submissions from the public, the Treasurer's report, and a news report. The next meeting of the GWLC will be October 26th, at the Senior Center in the Village of Greenwood Lake, located on 132 Windermere Ave. Website: GWLC.org Phone: 973-506-7800 Email: info@gwlc.org



August 2016 Minutes

Meeting Start: 7:02pm George Vurno read aloud the Open Public Meetings Law Roll Call Present: Paul Zarrillo, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, George Vurno, Bill Link, Michael Flaherty, Eric Pain, Eric Hastings, Dale VanNimwegen Absent: Ed Krull, Floyd DeAngelo Special Guests: Col. John Graham of West Point, John Buckeit - Village Attorney, Tony DeMarco - President of the GWL CoC, Paul Preusser - USDA, Jesse Dwyer - Mayor of the Village of GWL. Paul Preusser of the USDA gave a presentation on the recent geese survey, which totaled 230 geese on GWL. This is 4 times the amount that is considered acceptable. He presented options for control such as harassment and oiling the eggs. He is emailing a cost proposal for all suggested methods of control to review. Col. Graham of West Point began his presentation. The Colonel is conducting several micro studies for GWL, including water quality testing, road salt survey, soils and fertilizer, trout and other fish population surveys. Colonel Graham will continue testing and determining the big picture, and will continue working with the Village of Greenwood Lake, NY and the Greenwood Lake Commission. Approval of Minutes - Sully Motioned, Clint Seconded. Dale provided a copy of the Treasurer's Report, attached at the bottom of this document. GWL received $9812.80 from the Morahan Grant, but we did not close the account in an attempt to receive the full balance of the grant amount. Dale mentioned that the $10 monthly charge from 4Square seemed obsolete and recommended the Commission not pay for that service. Up to date, Commissioner Zarrillo has been paying that out of pocket. $25,500 Lakeland $17,000 Sterling Sully motioned to pay the Village $9810.12 from the Morahan Grant once a copy of the signed Memo of Memorialization was circulated, Dale seconded. CORRESPNDENCE Received a letter from Jesse Dwyer, Mayor of Greenwood Lake, requesting Senator Bonacic provide $10,000 of financial assistance to replace the filters in the catch basins. Funding has been denied according to the Mayor who is present, and has committed to taking the $10,000 the Commission is about to pay to the Village for these catch basins. We also received a letter and a passed resolution from West Milford calling for the State of New Jersey and Federal Government to provide funds for stump reduction and removal of floating islands on the lake. The Commission received a letter from Montclair University requesting 28 students come to the area to conduct water testing on Sept 24th of this year. The school has requested that we assist collecting boats for the volunteers so they can perform their tests. Commission received an email from the West Milford BA regarding State Farm Neighborhood Assistance Program, which is giving out grants in the amount of $25,000 for needed community development. The Commission will apply once the application process opens Sept. 1st. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ERIC PAIN: Downstream flow is being monitored at the dam. There is some confusion on the maximum amount of water that is allowed to be let through during the drawdown, and is asking the Commission's assistance in determining the appropriate amount. The USGS has stipulated that a flow of 1.61 may let out a different amount of water since its last evaluation, this would be due to the amount of water in the lake, and width of the lake. Eric Pain also asked for a letter from the GWLC requesting the drawdown, with copies of all letters from stakeholders supporting the action. ERIC HASTINGS: Has received complaints about several landscaping companies dumping trimmings from cutting lawns into storm drains, which is detrimental to their integrity. He believes that GWLC should request the Township of West Milford notifying them of the issue and requesting action to remedy it. Eric also reported that a volunteer is willing to address some of the floating islands in the lake, and while some are floating to the top he wished to get permission to cut loose some of the primary roots anchoring the floating islands so it may be removed. Sully motioned to Commission his services in exchange for covering the cost of the removal of the floating islands, and provide up to $1000 incidentals expenses - Vurno seconded - All in favor. PAUL ZARRILLO: 29 people attended the boat class July 31st, where the Commission netted $1125. The Boat Inspection at Sportsmans Marina in July had poor attendance, and recommended a different approach in advertising for the next year.
NJ State police will attend the next meeting in Sept, and report on their patrols over the summer. In June, Zarrillo and Sullivan, along with 4 volunteers removed water chestnuts from the north arm of the lake by hand. Wrote letters to Passaic County and Township of West Milford requesting funds for the stump reduction project, both requests have been denied. Letters to the NJDEP have gone over in great detail the danger these stumps and floating islands pose to boaters and swimmers. The Commission hopes the NJDEP will provide the funds in time for the drawdown. The Commission will have a booth at ALF, and with that there will be a $25 charge. Jersey Paddleboards out of Willow Point Marina are holding a paddleboard race on Sept 10th, which the Commission was invited to have a table promoting the Commission. Zarrillo, Smith, and Tyler Lees attended an environmental workshop on water monitoring. Zarrillo is requesting that the Commission purchase its own set of equipment to speed up the process of testing. Andy Abdul from the West Milford Environmental Commission advised the GWLC hold on the purchase until more results come in from the Townships tests. Eric Hastings asked if the tests that the Township are conducting can be used in feasibility studies or official reports. Andy Abdul said that the Township is not a certified laboratory, so results would not meet the standard environmental agencies use. BILL LINK: Is concerned about the warm weather and the result it will have on the floating islands. He will monitor the lake and asks the Commission to do the same. CLINT SMITH: Has been working with the intern, Tyler Lees, in collecting the contact information for businesses around the lake. PAUL SULLIVAN: Paul reported that he is concerned about the amount of work some Commissions are putting into the Commission, including himself. He is challenging himself to dedicate more time to the Commission, and wishes the rest of the Commission challenge themselves as well. January 1st, if Paul Sullivan does not feel he as met the standard he expects of himself and the Commission, then he will resign and hopes other Commissioners will do as well. GEROGE VURNO: Reported that he has the agreement from Orange County, and is disappointed with the language, which reads that they will reimburse us for expenses. The Commission was under the impression that the $20,000 would be provided with no preconditions. George Vurno is going to re-negotiate. MICHAEL FLAHERTY: Received 1st application under the blanket permit in the Village of Greenwood Lake for dock maintenance during the drawdown. Martin Brand was promoted, and Michael has become the sole representative for the NYDEC, Martin Brand's full time replacement or another alternate may be appointed. Michael also reported that the NYDEC website will soon have a list of recommended practices on their website, and will provide the list to the Commission. NEW BUSINESS: Drawdown: The GWLC needs to post signs informing residents and businesses of the upcoming drawdown. Dale volunteered to compile a list of locations, and Zarrillo and Hastings volunteered to post them. The Commission's goal is to have all signs posted by October 11th.
Zarrillo commented that a friend has volunteered to fly a drone over the lake and take pictures of the locations of the floating islands. Zarrillo suggested that the Commission pursue user fees again. No reliable sources of funding have been found, and he believes that it is the only way to acquire reliable funding. Eric Hastings commented that the last time this issue was raised, that if it ever arose again, we would start by involving the NJ and NY State AG office, because of the haphazard way the Commission handled it in the past. Dale suggested that the Commission involve other stakeholders and gather information before discussing further to avoid further confusion and contention. Paul, George, and Clint are to meet to review user fee status. Eric Hastings commented that Passaic County does not need a permit to dredge Belcher's Creek, and considering that condition it is in, wants to request assistance from the County to perform this dredging. Dale mentioned that she is aware of a group looking into purchasing the MUA around Belcher's Creek, and if it is for sale, then she recommends the Commission also look into having input into the process, to set forth requirements for the new owner's in terms of discharge into the creek, which has been a source of pollution in Greenwood Lake. PUBLIC PORTION Mayor Jesse Dwyer has a resource that may enable the Village of GWL to install sewer lines, which would be a cost savings and invited the GWLC to join in on that meeting Sept 1st in Albany. John Buckheit - Reported that a Village Commissioner was removing Water Chestnuts behind their house, and asked that he was provided info from the NJDEP and NYDEC for removing them by hand for local residents. Sullivan motion to close, Clint seconded. Close at 9:34.

June 2016 Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission
132 Windermere Ave
Greenwood Lake, NY

Start Time: 7:02PM
Salute to the American Flag

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.

Paul Zarrillo read aloud the open public meeting law:
Present: Paul Zarrillo, Eric Hastings, Dan Bello, Michael Flaherty, Floyd DeAngelo, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Dale VanNimwegen
Absent: Ed Krull, George Vurno
Special Guests: Orange County Legislator Barry Cheney, Andy Abdul, of the West Milford Environmental Commission, Village of Greenwood Lake Judge Keith Garley, and Mayor of the Village of Greenwood Lake Jesse Dwyer
Approval of Minutes: 1 change - In Commissioner Flaherty's report, the links on the NYDEC website regarding drawdown procedure were not posted at that time but were,"going to be posted."
Resolution: Approval of minutes from May 2016.
Motioned by: Paul Sullivan
Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo
Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen X
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X

Treasurer's Report: Attached
Correspondence: The Commission sent a letter to The Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders regarding the vacant building in Ringwood that used to belong to the Passaic River Coalition, and asked if we could reside in it. They have yet to respond.
Sent a letter to NJDEP Commissioner Martin, CC'D local representatives regarding their statutory responsibility to oversee the lake, and believed it was their obligation to assist in the removal of floating islands and stumps. They have yet to respond.
• The request to approve the drawdown from the NJDEP has moved to the second step.
• Dan is being reassigned to Hunterdon County for the next several months, but Eric Pain as his alternate will fill in.
• Drawdown information will be up on the NYDEC within a week.
• Followed up with NY invasive species week, and confirmed it is July 10th-`16th
• Warwick check for $4000 has been received and deposited.
• We are still working with Orange County to acquire funds.
• Eric Hastings reported that he has been on the lake since the last meeting and has pulled out a significant amount of Styrofoam from the lake since the last meeting but is concerned about the amount that is still present. He and his neighbors are cleaning up the area around their homes the best they can.
• No report
• Reported that he met with Senator Pennachio who asked the about the status of the condition, but later learned that he was sent a letter the Senator, and requested that he be made aware in the future.
• Also reported that he has noticed a reduction in the trash and pollution along the lake.
• Reported that he was discussing the possibility of retaining a grant writer in order to secure a greater number of grants. We are looking into it further and gathering quotes.
• Reported that several representatives of the State Police has been patrolling GWL since memorial day and plan on patrolling until Labor Day.
• Awaiting word from the NJDEP for funding to remove floating islands and reduce stumps.
• Had a meeting with a professional finance manager who lived on the lake who was also interested in helping or possibly running the Watershed Management District 501c3, and would help fund raise for projects on the lake.
• Dale passed around the Treasurer's Report. A copy will be attached to the minutes.
• Dale reported that our Directors and Officers insurance has been paid in full
• No news on Morohan Grant.
Jesse - June 29th is when Village will be using Aquathol K. Including north of the 7/8th bridge. 24 hours until safe to swim, eat fish.
Passive Boat Launch goes out to bid later this month.
Got complaints about the dead fish, and believes it was the purge caused by rapidly changing water temperatures.
Fireworks will be on July 3rd.
John Buckeit - Would aid getting help from the Army Corps for Engineers. He also has become aware of a grant program, If watershed is connected to American Water Inc, then there are grant opportunities that exist.
Paul Sullivan motioned to adjourn the meeting, Eric Hastings seconded to close meeting closed at 8:27 PM. All were in favor.
The next meeting of the GWLC will be July 27th at 1810 Macopin Road in West Milford, NJ.
Website: GWLC.org
Phone: 973-506-7800
Email: info@gwlc.org

May 2016 Meeting Minutes

Salute to the American Flag

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.

Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm.
Present: Paul Zarrillo, Clint Smith, Paul Sullivan, Goerge Vurno, Floyd DeAngelo, Michael Flaherty, Bill Link, Eric Hastings
Absent: Dale VanNimwegen, Dan Bello, Ed Krull

Acknowledgment of Guests

Lisa Jordan from Drew University and Tony Trimarco from the Village of Greenwood Lake Chamber of Commerce.
Treasurer Report
Presentation by Drew University
See Map 1.
Commissioner Reports
Michael Flaherty:
• Reported that links about the drawdown are up in the NYDEC website.
• Asked if the Commission was still interested in participating for Invasive Species Awareness Week. Zarrillo confirmed that the Commission is looking for volunteers to pull weeds.
Floyd DeAngelo
• Reported that he is working with officials from Orange County regarding the $20,000. Officials say they will hold to their commitment, but since it wasn't in the budget it will take some more time.
Bill Link
• Reported that the State Police have rented a slip and believes they plan on patrolling the lake on weekends sometime after Memorial Day. Zarrillo said he had more information on that matter and will cover it in his report.

Paul Zarrillo
• Zarrillo reported that with the help of Freeholder Terry Duffy, Passaic County, and Senator Pennachio the State Police are moving forward to patrol the lake. Two officials from the State Police wish to meet and take a tour of the lake and discuss our needs.
• Also reported that the Commission has received a call of a student at Stockton University studying environmental science, and is interested in interning with our office. The Commission decided to reach out with the intention of bringing him on board. The internship will be unpaid, but is willing to compensate him the standard amount for travel, which is .55 cents per mile.
• Reported that he has run into more roadblocks acquiring funding to solve navigational and safety issues around the lake caused by stumps and floating islands.
• Reported that our belief that the Commission could apply to Passaic County Open Space Trust Fund was wrong, and we cannot get funding from Open Space.
• Had additional conversations with West Milford Township about the blanket permit, they declined but suggested we organize the homeowners to hire the same engineer to streamline the process and reduce costs.
• Reported that our boat licensing class was very successful, we had 30 people attend and the Commission made a profit of $1175.
• Reported that the Coast Guard Auxiliary will be conducting a boat safety inspection June 12th outside Sportsmans Marina from 10am-4pm.
The winner of RFP 16-03 is Downes Tree Service at $84,350. Zarrillo reminded everyone that this project cannot go forward without funding. The floating islands project was removed from the bid process to be reviewed for additional solutions.
Resolution: Approval of Minutes for April 2016

Motioned by: Paul Sullivan
Seconded: George Vurno
Name Yes (9) No (0) Abstained (0)
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
DEP (Dan Bello)
DEC (Mike Flaherty X

Paul Sullivan motioned to close the meeting at 8:34pm, George Vurno seconded. All were in favor. Our next meeting will be 7pm June 22nd at the Senior Center in the Village of Greenwood Lake, located on 132 Windermere Avenue.

April 2016 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission
132 WindermereAve
Village of Greenwood Lake, NY 10925

Salute to the American Flag

George Vurno led the Salute to the Flag.

Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm. George Vurno, Paul Zarrillo, Paul Sullivan, Ed Krull, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Dan Bello, Martin Brand, Bill Link, and Dale VanNimwegen were present. Clint Smith was absent.

Acknowledgment of Guests

Mayor Jesse Dwyer of Greenwood Lake, NY was present, along with Andy Abdul from the West Milford Environmental Commission.

Approval of Minutes & Payment of Bills
Resolution: Approval of Minutes for March 2016

Motioned by: Paul Sullivan
Seconded: Eric Hastings
Name Yes (9) No (0) Abstained (0)
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen X
Ed Krull X
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
DEP (Dan Bello) X
DEC (Mike Flagerthy) X

Treasurer's Report
Dale VanNimwegen gave the Treasurer's report. She mentioned that roughly $150 of legal ad bills still had to be paid. We have XXXXXXX in bank accounts (need to find her t report).
Morohan Grant - Dale reported on the invoices she submitted around the time of the last meeting of the GWLC. Of the $28,000+ (exact number in recording) only $9,812.86 was approved under the grant. She is requesting that a copy of all previous invoices that we submitted be handed to us in order to see what other work the GWLC needs to report. Dale is also pursuing any old files of the previous chair Ella Fillapone.
Commissioner Reports
Floyd DeAngelo - Reported that he was following up with the funding from Orange County and the funding from Warwick, NY.
Ed Krull - Reported that he met with Brian Drum at the NYDEC regarding saltation around GWL. Krull is hoping to get the state involved in the effort to reduce erosion and saltation around GWL. This erosion is believed to be from the horse trails around the lake.
Michael Flagerthy - Reported that he and Martin Brand, his alternate discussed the erosion, and will assist if they can. Flagerthy also reported that the NYDEC has information available on their website about the general permit people can obtain during the drawdown.
Dale VanNimwegen - Reported that she was making the informational brochures and types of communication regarding the drawdown, and was working with Dan Bello to develop messaging.
Dan Bello - Reported that he got the approval letters from the NJDEP and will submit them to the necessary department. He also met with West Milford about the blanket permit, but decided to let Paul Zarrillo report on that subject.
Paul Zarrillo - Reported that the meeting with West Milford did not go well, and does not believe they will cover the cost of the general permit. Dan added that he will ask the NJDEP to cover the cost.
Also reported that he received several complaints about a leaking septic tank from a local restaurant on the lake, but could not verify the veracity of those claims. Mayor Dwyer chimed in and said that he was aware of the issue and the business in question passed the dye test for leaking septic system.
He also received complaints about an empty lot on East Shore Drive regarding drilling and construction on the site. West Milford responded and reported that there was disturbed ground. At this point the GWLC does not have jurisdiction and passed it to the appropriate hands,
Zarrillo also reported that he chatted with a Lieutenant from the State Police who wants to patrol GWL on the weekends. The Lieutenant said he needed help to acquire funding to patrol the lake, and the GWL is following up with the state to procure the funding.
Zarrillo also reported that he met with Kathleen Caren from the Open Space Advisory Committee about applying for open space funds, and is looking to apply for this year.
Zarrillo also reported that the filters in the catch basins are full and need to be replaced. A retrofitted filter costs around $235 per cartridge. Zarrillo is following up on a quote for replacing them all. Mayor Jesse Dwyer also offered to have his DPW install them if it would save the Commission tax payer dollars.
Zarrillo also reported that he contacted the USDA about geese control on GWL. The cost varied depending on the season they arrived on scene, and was following up on a quote to have a geese removal team conduct work early in the season to save money.
Zarrillo also reported that he found a professional versed in Robert's Rules of Order and how to run more effective meetings. It was discussed at the last meeting, and the Commission felt it a worthwhile venture, considering the Commission is made of volunteers with no prior experience in parliamentary procedure.
Eric Hastings - Reported that he was aware of an area in the South Arm regarding sediment, and asked Dan Bello if he needed a permit to remove sediment by hand. Dan said that so long as the activity was not regulated he did not need a permit, but recommended he follow up with what is and is not regulated.
The GWLC received 3 responses to its RFP regarding stump reduction and floating island removal on GWL during the drawdown. Boulder Hill Tree & Excavating responded and gave a bid of $90,500, Downes Tree Service gave a bid of $84,350 for the project, and Environmental Renewal received the info too late and wrote to explain that they would not submit a bid in time. The Commission still had follow up questions for the two companies which would be clarified at their scheduled meeting on May 2nd at the Greenwood Lake Commission Office located at 2019F Greenwood Lake Turnpike, Hewitt, NJ.
Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the Village of Greenwood Lake stated that he submitted applications for herbicides.
Andy Abdul of the West Milford Environmental Commission reported that on the upcoming Saturday at 10am he was conducting his first test of the new water testing equipment and wanted to invite the Commission to participate.
Dale VanNimwegen made a motion to close, Floyd DeAngelo seconded, all were in favor. The meeting closed at 9:02PM

March 2016 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission
1810 Macopin Road
West Milford NJ 07480
Salute to the American Flag

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.

The meeting was called to order at 7:12pm. Paul Zarrillo read aloud the Open Pubic Meetings Law and noted that we were in compliance. Paul Zarrillo then asked for roll call. Paul Zarrillo, Geroge Vurno, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Paul Sullivan Dan Bello, Martin Brand, and Bill Link were present. Ed Krull and Dale VanNimwegen were absent.
Treasurer's Report
Dale VanNimwegen forwarded the Treasurer's Report for this meeting as she was unable to attend, see attached document below. Special comments Dale wanted to deliver to the Commission included news that the two bank accounts have been reconciled, and that she was scheduling a meeting with representatives from Albany to secure the remaining funds for the Morohan grant. Paul Zarrillo asked for a vote to approve the Treasurers report.

Resolution: Accept Treasurer's report and payment of bills
Motioned by: Eric Hastings
Seconded: Paul Zarrillo

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
Paul Zarrillo then asked the Commission to approve the minutes for December and January. 2 grammatical changes were made at the meeting, Paul Zarrillo then asked for a vote.
Resolution: Approval of minutes from the December 2015 meeting.
Motioned by: Paul Sullivan
Seconded: Eric Hastings

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X

Resolution: Approval of minutes from the Jan. 2016 meeting.
Motioned by: Paul Sullivan
Seconded: Eric Hastings

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X

Commissioner Reports
Martin Brand
• Informed the Commission about some notices that needed to go out on the NY side of the lake for the blanket permit, and said the same would have to be done in NJ if a blanket permit was granted.
Dan Bello
• Reported that the Commission needed to write a letter to Eric Pain at the Ringwood State Park about the drawdown and the timeline for it.
Floyd DeAngelo
• Reported that he received an email from Assemblyman Brabenick about a line item in his budget that he believes was part of the Morohan Grant funds, but it was never appropriated to the GWLC. Floyd is following up to make sure we can acquire these funds.
Eric Hastings
• Reported that he spoke to Karen Dauphiniaus in Albany paperwork for the Morohan Grant, and is working with Dale to complete the process.
• Eric also reported that he removed 3 floating docks on the lake in the last two weeks that came loose from the shoreline. Clint suggested to work with West Milford to get a dumpster for extra debris that will be found during the drawdown.
• Eric also reported that he learned on a grant from the NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust that can be awarded to homeowners to repair their septic systems. He also said that this would justify the aerial infrared study, because some residents have trouble affording these repairs.
Clint Smith
• Clint referred to Andy Abdul from the West Milford Environmental Commission about water testing equipment the town was getting, and was following up with any Commissioners that wanted to learn how to use the equipment.
Paul Sullivan
• Paul reported that at the last Freeholder meeting in Passaic County, they voted to award the grant of $20,000 to the GWLC. Within a month the GWLC should have the check.

February 2016 Meeting Minutes

The Greenwood Lake Commission
132 WindermereAve
Village of Greenwood Lake, NY 10925

Salute to the American Flag

George Vurno led the Salute to the Flag.

Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm. George Vurno, Paul Zarrillo, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Dan Bello, Martin Brand, Bill Link, and Dale VanNimwegen were present. Ed Krull, was absent.

Special guest included Barry Cheney a Legislative Representative from Orange County, Murry Tirad the attorney for the Village of Greenwood Lake, Andrew Abdul from the West Milford Environmental Commission, and Kevin Keane the VP of the Mahwah headquarters for HDR.

George Vurno opened the meeting by letting the new DEC representative on the Commission Martin Brand introduce himself. Martin Brand also introduced his colleague Michael Flaherty who is to serve as an alternate in case Martin Brand was unable to attend a meeting. Martin Brand expressed an interest in working with the Commission and stated he saw great value in preserving the resources Greenwood Lake provides.

George Vurno then introduced Kevin Keane from HDR, who gave a Power Point presentation of a dredge study conducted by his company. The full presentation can be found on the Commission website GWLC.org. George opened up the floor for approval of minutes and payment of bills.

Resolution: Payment of Bills, February 25th 2015

Motioned by: Floyd DeAngelo

Seconded: Paul Sullivan

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale Vannimwegen X
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
Martin Brand X

Resolution: Payment of Bills, February 25th 2015

Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen

Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale Vannimwegen X
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
Martin Brand X


After the presentation Dale VanNimwegen opened with the Treasurer’s Report. Dale had collected a set of financials off of the program Quickbooks in order to better understand the financial state of the Commission. Dale also reported that she is working with our old accountant to obtain files as far back as 2008 to fill in all the gaps so that the Commission can plan ahead. Dale did report that this task was made more difficult by the lack of steady revenue the Commission receives. Dale is also working to remove the weed harvesters off of the books as they have been transferred to West Milford and the Village of Greenwood Lake.

Dale also mentioned that she has been in contact with Karen Dauphiniaus who is our contact in Albany regarding the Morohan Grant. Dale reported that a few more forms needed to be filled out before the remaining funds can be transferred to the Commission. Dale is also working on a way to streamline the multiple accounts the Commission must maintain in both states in order to better manage the financial of the Commission.

Paul Sullivan reported that he has been working closely with Ed Farmer who is a grant writing expert retained by Passaic County and is currently working with him to acquire grants for the Commission, which would be used to identify and re-mediate sources of pollution as well as fight invasive species. Paul Sullivan also reported that he is in talks with representatives from Passaic County to receive funds for the Commission. Paul also reported that Passaic County had requested to see a budget for the Commission, which Dale was happy to share with Paul Sullivan and the Commission. The information the County requested is being forwarded and Paul Sullivan reported that he would have more information soon.

Floyd DeAngelo reported that he was in talks with Orange County representatives and believed a discussion will begin soon about allocating funds for the Commission.

Paul Zarrillo reported that there is still an issue with obtaining registration for the West Milford weed harvester from Motor Vehicle. Paul is in talks with Lou Signorino of the West Milford Council and believes the proper steps are being taken. Paul also reported that the boat races which occurred last year in Greenwood Lake is returning to Greenwood Lake this year, but planned on holding the event the first weekend in June, which is earlier than last year. As a result Paul believes that the Commission needs to begin preparation for the races. Paul also reported that Dale VanNimwegen and George Vurno have been added to the signature card at Lakeland Bank, but not Sterling Bank and is communicating with them to add the new signatures. Paul also reported that he has been communicating with Seton Hall and Fairleigh Dickinson about conducting water surveys on Greenwood Lake, which would be at a reduced or possible no cost to the Commission. Dan Bello also mentioned that Drew University has a similar program. Paul wants the Commission to conduct testing on sediment in the water and also mentioned that the removal of the water chestnuts and fan wort, which are invasive plant species in various areas with the NY arm of Greenwood Lake which need to be addressed this spring and summer. Paul also reported that a pipe had burst in the Commission office located on Greenwood Lake Turnpike. The pipe burst resulted in several inches of water and some minor damage to the files inside the office. Paul is communicating with the landlord to remedy the situation and to assess the full damage. Paul Zarrillo also reported that he is still working with the West Milford Township Administrator to better implement a town wide septic ordinance. Paul also reported that he has spoken with the manager of Sportsman Marina to monitor docks that were never removed from the lake in the fall, which could become dangerous navigational and safety issues if they were to break apart from the winter ice.

Paul Zarrillo then asked Dan Bello if there had been any progress in officially appointing him to the Commission, and is the DEP was aware of any regulation on the length of docks on Greenwood Lake. Dan Bello reported that he believed the appointment will be made official by next meeting and there was no regulation he knew of regarding the length of docks on the lake.

Paul Zarrillo also requested permission from the Commission to follow up with the Marine Police and Coast Guard to host boat safety courses on the lake. The Commission decided to go with the prevailing rates from other groups offering the class and believe that it could be a small source of revenue for the Commission. The Commission agreed to follow up.

Eric Hastings reported that he is communicating with West Milford to repair one of the weed harvesters. Eric asked Dale is the Awosting Association still had spare parts and supplies which the Commission stored at their facility. Dale reported that the parts were being collected and accounted for and that she is following up.

New Business

The Commission moved to approve the amendments to the By-Laws and the Procurement Procedures discussed at the last meeting. The Commission decided to table appointments to committees until next meeting.

Resolution: Approval of amended by laws and procurement procedures, February 25th 2015

Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen

Seconded: Clint Smith

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale Vannimwegen X
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
Martin Brand X

Resolution: Appointment of George Vurno as NY Co-Chair, February 25th 2015

Motioned by: Floyd DeAngelo

Seconded: Paul Sullivan

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale Vannimwegen X
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
Martin Brand X

Resolution: Appointment of Paul Zarrillo as NJ Co-Chair, February 25th 2015

Motioned by: Paul Zarrillo

Seconded: Eric Hastings

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale Vannimwegen X
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
Martin Brand X

Public Input

Andrew Abdul from the West Milford Environmental Commission shared an article with the Commission regarding dangers to domestic pets that public lake pose. AndrewAbdul also reported that the Township of West Milford was looking into the cost water monitoring equipment to be used in Greenwood Lake and Belcher's Creek, and that he would have more to report at the next meeting.

Paul Sullivan made a motion to close the meeting at 9:35pm, Dale VanNimwegen seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Our next meeting will be March 25th at 7pm, in West Milford Town Hall, located at 1480 Union Valley Road. If you needed to contact us you may do so you by visiting our website GWLC.org, emailing us at info@GWLC.org, or calling our office at 973-506-7800.

January 2016 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission
1480 Union Valley Road
West Milford NJ 07480
Salute to the American Flag

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.

The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm. Paul Zarrillo read aloud the Open Pubic Meetings Law and noted that we were in compliance. Paul Zarrillo then asked for roll call. Paul Zarrillo, Geroge Vurno, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Ed Krull, Dan Bello, Martin Brand, Bill Link, and Dale VanNimwegen were present. Paul Sullivan was absent.
Treasurer's Report
Dale VanNimwegen presented the Treasurer's Report. Dale the bills for the Commission included standard utility bills.
Paul Zarrillo then asked the Commission to approve the minutes from the last meeting, as well as approve the payment of bills.
Resolution: Approval of minutes from the December 2015 meeting.
Motioned by: Dan Bello
Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen X
Ed Krull X
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X

Resolution: Payment of bills on Jan 27th 2016
Motioned by: George Vurno
Seconded: Dale VanNimwegen

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen X
Ed Krull X
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X

Commissioner Reports
Paul Zarrillo reported that the boat safety class was a success. Paul acknowledged that when the class was scheduled several months ago, it did not occur to check when Superbowl Sunday; but despite that we still had 12 people attend the class, and the Commission made a $420.
Zarrillo said he will return to the township council in West Milford about applying for a bulk permit which will save residents time and money as they repair their docks. He contacted the council earlier and requested that he make a presentation. The bulk permit would streamline the application process, and save residents money by sharing the cost of the blanket permit instead of applying for their own.

Drawdown vote
The Commission resumed discussing the vote on the drawdown, which was tabled last meeting. After some discussion, several Commissioners still had concerns about possible negative effects of the drawdown, but the confirmation from the NJDEP regarding the amount of discretion the Commission had in deciding when the dam is raised and lowered set them at ease. This would give the Commission the ability to better address the unpredictable weather conditions, and hopefully minimize the possibility of damage to docks and/or the possibility of a drought. Paul Zarrillo asked for a vote.
Resolution: To conduct a drawdown on Oct 11th, 2016 to Jan 2017.
Motioned by: Floyd DeAngelo
Seconded: George Vurno

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen X
Ed Krull X
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X

The DEP and DEC still have to approve the request by the GLC for a drawdown. A committee will be meeting on 2/11 to formulate and move requirements forward for a 10/11/16 drawdown, weather permitting.

December Meeting Minutes 2015

Greenwood Lake Commission
132 Windermere Ave.
Village of Greenwood Lake, NY 10925

Salute to the American Flag

George Vurno led the Salute to the Flag.

Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm. George Vurno read aloud the Open Pubic Meetings Law and noted that we were in compliance, Paul Zarrillo also commented that the Drawdown notice was sent to WM77 TV and WGHT-1500, and all papers. George Vurno then asked for roll call. Paul Zarrillo, George Vurno, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Bill Link, Ed Krull and Dale VanNimwegen were present. Dan Bello and Martin Brand were absent, but Eric Payne from the NJDEP was given rights as an alternate for Dan Bello and sat in his place.

Special Guests
Village of Greenwood Lake Mayor Jesse Dwyer

Treasurer's Report

Dale VanNimwegen presented the Treasurer's report. Dale reported that the NY Sterling Bank account was unchanged since last meeting at $3,000 and the NJ Lakeland Bank account had $11,000. Dale reported that the Commission's bills, other than $225 of standard utilities also included the Directors and Officers insurance as well as the informational brochures which were billed at cost, totaling $1000 and $500 respectively. $100 was also taken out of petty cash for a projector to be used for presentations at our meetings. Dale also handed out an estimate of yearly expenditures for the GWLC, which totaled $17, 370. $7300 of which was spent on office space and utilities. Dale believed the Commission should consider forgoing the office space which sees very little foot traffic in favor of a less expensive storage space for our files. Dale also commented that this move would be prudent as many storage lockers come with climate control and the likely hood of burst pipes which has plagued the Commission in the past, would be reduced. Paul Sullivan commented that we still have no commitment of funds from either state; Dale added that even with funding that she believed forgoing the office should be considered.

Dale also reported that she found $6200 of invoices which she believes may be applicable to the Morohan Grant which has $27,500 left, but is awaiting word from New York. She also said that Kevin Keane from HDR had contacted the Commission again regarding an unpaid bill of $15,000. Ed Krull vehemently believes that we have already paid that bill. Dale assured the Commission that she would address the issue and search for the transaction record for that bill. Vurno then asked for a motion to pay the bills, and for approval of the minutes, with an amendment correcting the vote tally by the public during our public hearing on the drawdown from 6 to 7.
Resolution: Payment of Bills, December 2015

Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen
Seconded: Paul Sullivan
Name Yes (Y) No (N) Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Y
George Vurno Co-Chair Y
Paul Sullivan Y
Clint Smith Y
Bill Link Y
Dale VanNimwegen Y
Ed Krull Y
Floyd DeAngelo Y
Eric Hastings Y
DEP (Eric Payne) Abstained
DEC (Martin Brand)

Resolution: Approval of Minutes, December 2015

Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen
Seconded: Paul Sullivan
Name Yes (Y) No (N) Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Y
George Vurno Co-Chair Y
Paul Sullivan Y
Clint Smith Y
Bill Link Y
Dale VanNimwegen Y
Ed Krull Y
Floyd DeAngelo Y
Eric Hastings Y
DEP (Eric Payne) Abstained
DEC (Martin Brand)

Commissioner Reports

Paul Zarrillo gave his report to the Commission. He reported that he, along with Dale had met with representatives from Lake Hopatcong about moving forward with the 501c3. The purpose of the meeting was to study the ways Lake Hopatcong raises funds, which primarily consist of events and fundraisers. Paul Sullivan asked what kind of events they host, Zarrillo said they host an annual gala along with various low key events such as BBQs and sponsored trail hikes around the lake. Zarrillo also reported that the people from MSU were unable to attend this meeting in order to give a presentation of a study they conducted on the lake, but plan to attend next meeting. He also reported that the NJDEP has given us a formal letter stating that a residential blanket permit for dock maintenance, such as the one the NY side of the lake has could be obtained for the NJ side of the lake, but an entity must cover the cost upfront. Zarrillo is hopeful but not optimistic that West Milford would be able to do so.

Floyd DeAngelo reported that they are still having no luck acquiring funds from Orange County, NY.

Bill Link handed a diagram to the Commissioners of amount of water exiting the dam found from the NJDEP website. On this diagram he pointed out where the previous drawdown began and ended, and how long it took for the lake to refill. Last drawdown the water level did not rise quickly and part of the boating season was lost. Bill did comment that the weather not in our control but the unpredictability of the drawdown concerned him. Eric Payne was asked when the dam was lowered, and how long it took the water to fall 5 feet. Eric answered that the gate was lowered October 11th, and the water level did not lower to drawdown level until Jan 18th, however there was an exceptional amount of rainfall during that time, approximately 14.5 inches, and this delayed the lowering of the water level.


The Commission began discussing the drawdown. Paul Sullivan stated that while he saw the need for a drawdown he would vote against it without assurance that we could stop releasing water as early as January 1st and/or the dam be lowered earlier in the year.

Floyd DeAngelo believed that despite that events during the last drawdown, the owner of Sportsman's Marina who spoke at the public hearing, said his boating season wasn't greatly affected. Floyd reaffirmed his vote in favor of the drawdown, and strongly felt that voting against it would be a disservice to the public.

Ed Krull commented that he would like to see the dam raised on January 1st in order to protect the boating season, he would vote in favor regardless. He also commented that he believed those who are voting against the drawdown are doing so for selfish reasons.

Eric Hastings commented that the water management plan allowed the Commission to cancel the drawdown in the case of a drought or another weather calamity. Eric is also concerned about the people who began prep work for maintenance they plan on doing during the drawdown.

Paul Zarrillo commented that the public voted 18 to 3 in favor of the drawdown.

The Commission asked Eric Payne what flexibility we have in controlling the dam during the drawdown, and if the Commission wanted to change the date of the opening/closing of the dam would require rewriting the plan. Rewriting the plan would require the Commission to hold another 2 public hearings on the drawdown.

Paul Sullivan pointed out that our bylaws require 8 votes to pass the drawdown, and only 9 Commissioners were present not including Eric Payne who plans on abstaining from the vote. Paul Sullivan made a motion to table to vote on the drawdown.

Resolution: Table the vote on the Drawdown, December 2015

Motioned by: Paul Sullivan
Seconded: Dale VanNimwegen
Vote: In favor (4) - Against (5)
Name Yes (Y) No (N) Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair N
George Vurno Co-Chair N
Paul Sullivan Y
Clint Smith Y
Bill Link Y
Dale VanNimwegen Y
Ed Krull N
Floyd DeAngelo N
Eric Hastings N
DEP (Eric Payne) Abstained
DEC (Martin Brand)

The Commission was then asked to do a vote on the drawdown as the water management dictates.

Resolution: Conduct the drawdown according to the water level management plan, December 2015

Motioned by: Eric Hastings
Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo
Vote: In favor (5) - Against (4)
Name Yes (Y) No (N) Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Y
George Vurno Co-Chair Y
Paul Sullivan N
Clint Smith N
Bill Link N
Dale VanNimwegen Y
Ed Krull Y
Floyd DeAngelo Y
Eric Hastings Y
DEP (Eric Payne) Abstained
DEC (Martin Brand) Absent

In light of this Dale motioned that the drawdown be discussed and re-voted on next meeting.

Resolution: Re-examine drawdown at next meeting, December 2015

Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen
Seconded: George Vurno
Vote: In favor (9) - Against (0)
Name Yes (Y) No (N) Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Y
George Vurno Co-Chair Y
Paul Sullivan Y
Clint Smith Y
Bill Link Y
Dale VanNimwegen Y
Ed Krull Y
Floyd DeAngelo Y
Eric Hastings Y
DEP (Eric Payne) Y
DEC (Martin Brand) Absent

After some more debate, including the vote needed to adjourn the meeting, Floyd DeAngelo made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20. Dale seconded, all voted in favor.

October 2015 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission 10/28/2015 132 Windermere Ave. Village of Greenwood Lake, NY 10925

Salute to the American Flag

George Vurno led the Salute to the Flag.


The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm. George Vurno read aloud the Open Pubic Meetings Law and noted that we were in compliance, Paul Zarrillo also commented that the Drawdown notice was sent to WM77 TV and WGHT-1500, and all papers. George Vurno then asked for roll call. Paul Zarrillo, Geroge Vurno, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Dan Bello, Martin Brand, Bill Link were present. Ed Krull and Dale VanNimwegen were absent.

Special Guests Village of Greenwood Lake Attorney John Buckhight Mayor Jesse Dwyer, Village of Greenwood Lake

Treasurer's Report

Dale VanNimwegen was unable to attend the meeting, but informed the Commission that we had $450 in bills. $50 of which went to staffer at the Autumn Lights Festival and the remainder went to standard utilities and to our Director's and Officer's Insurance.

The Commission moved on to the minutes from the previous meeting, since several members had personal and family emergencies not all Commissioners had an opportunity to read them. Eric Hastings made a motion to table the approval of minutes for the next meeting, Paul Zarrillo seconded.

Commissioner Reports

Martin Brand reported that he was almost finished completing a list of links for the GWLC website which contained useful information and guidelines from the NYDEC regarding recommended practices for use and maintenance of docks and fertilizer.

Eric Hastings reported to the Commission that he was following up with the bills needed to attain the remainder of the Morohan Grant. Eric had sent a letter to the Village of Greenwood Lake regarding this subject. The Village Attorney John Buckhight was asked if he had received and approved of the letter sent to the Commission and read aloud his reply email, stating that the letter sent from the Commission to the Village was worded more as a promise than a contract. The Commission has suffered several burst pipes that caused flooding and has lost a significant amount of records, some of which are relevant invoices for the Morohan Grant, this contract would allow the Commission to satisfy the needs of the Morohan Grant without the records which were destroyed. John Buckhight specifically wanted the "loss of records to be memorialized."

Paul Sullivan gave his report to the Commission. Sullivan stated that he had been communicating with Passaic County in order to receive more funds for the Commission.

Paul Zarrillo gave his report to the Commission. Zarrillo announced that the GWLC became members of the NJ Highlands Coalition. The Highlands Coalition is helping the Greenwood Lake Commission to review our specific ordinances and see how they can assist. Eric Hastings commented that the Highlands Coalition recently called for a consolidation of aquifers and a grant to create a safe zone for most of the east coast, and used this example to demonstrate the influence the Highlands Coalition has with the State. Zarrillo relayed that the Highlands Coalition wants a voice at the table to inform them if issues such as septic ordinance's and water pollution.

Paul Zarrillo also reported that our booth at the Autumn Lights Festival was well received, and many people asked about the herbicides. The Commission made $126 at the booth selling T-shirts and Sweatshirts made by the Commission.

Zarrillo did a press release regarding work from Montclair State University, and reported that they are in the midst of evaluating the results from the first test. Zarrillo would like to invite them to discuss at our December meeting. He also reported that Drew is beginning its study of the number of houses, docks, and dock size on Greenwood Lake and would be finished in November. Zarrillo also asked of MSU would be interested if they want to take soil samples from West Milford Lake, currently representatives from MSU wish to proceed but has an issue with timing.

Zarrillo also reported that the Emergency Management office in West Milford had another meeting, which the GWLC was not invited to despite several requests. Zarrillo then asked if there was a fire boat for the lake. Steve DeFeo, former Commissioner and owner of DeFeo's marina informed us that yes there is a boat, but it is currently in need of repair.

Zarrillo also reported that he went by West Milford Lake and took photos for the group, he was informed that a well was built into the lake bottom. Zarrillo asked if it was possible to get bulldozers to remove 3-4 feet of soot and if building a pipe into the Ringwood State Park dam to feed water was possible. Zarrillo was following up with the NJDEP for approval.

Zarrillo also reported that he got an email asking about lease for our office located at 2019F Greenwood Lake Tpke in Hewitt; our response was that we never saw a copy. Upon receiving the email with the lease, Zarrillo presented some issues to the Commission with the lease but could not comment on public record being that we are still negotiating the contract.

Zarrillo also reported that he is meeting with Lake Hoptatcong about 501c3 Nov 9th

Paul Zarrillo also received an anonymous letter regarding illegal digging near his house. Zarrillo and Clint Smith investigated and neither found evidence of this digging.

George Vurno gave his report the the Commission. Vurno reported that he had been under the weather and has not been able to assist the last few weeks, but wanted to thank all who reached out and gave their best wishes. George also reported the he and Floyd DeAngelo and Steve DeFeo have been communicating with Orange County to receive funds for the Commission.

Public Input

Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the Village of Greenwood Lake indicated that he would find the number of permits issued to residents during 2011-2012 drawdown during the last meeting, 50 permits were awarded to local homeowners in the Village. The total worth of improvements from local residents alone amounted to $165,700.

Paul Zarrillo made a motion to close the meeting, Second George. Close at 7:32.

Public Drawdown Hearing

The Commission began the public hearing on the Drawdown at 7:34. Zarrillo announced the procedure for speaking and commented on the original intent of water management plan.

Ethan Forchete – Lived on the water since 2009. 100 feet of waterfront and concrete bulkheads. Bulkheads needed substantial repair and is in favor of the drawdown as the cost of the repair was 10,000 dollars and without the drawdown would have lost property value - Yes

Dennis Mullner – In need of bulkhead, his area has a problem with ice and repairs can only be done with the drawdown and believes it affects weed growth. - Yes

Brain Jamaine – In favor, maintenance of dock is a primary reason for his opinion, but weeds are a nuisance. - Yes

Elli Capony – In favor of drawdown. - Yes

Ray Buckhite – In favor. After each one there is an improvement in lake water quality and weed. - Yes

Lorraine Garno – Warwick – Born and raised. In favor. Beneficial for weed control and water quality. - Yes Rosaane Gamain – in favor. Weeds, beautification, dock. - Yes

Dan Sullivan, owner of Small Craft Marina– not in favor unless for a specific purpose like dredge or stump reduction. Ways to repair bulkheads even without drawdown - No

Nancy Gensen, owner of South Shore Marina – gave a letter to the commission to read into the minutes. Also added that NJ end gets short end of the stick because of permit process, beleives it should mirror NY. - No (Commissioner Dan Bello commented that it might be possible to get bulk permit such as NY has, but he needs to be taken to Trenton.)

Jesse Dwyer, Mayor of the Village of Greenwood Lake – hitting pros and cons – He is in favor. Measurement of success – 165,000 spent in local economy and improved the lake. - Yes

Steve DeFeo. owner of DeFeo's Marina- grant money for stump reduction 100,000 removed over 2000 stumps during previous drawdown. In favor, he also asked 12 customers. 11 want it, 1 does not. - Yes

Bill Link, owner of Mooshead Marina – Can be advantageous, but concerned and thinks that not a necessity for repairs. Lots of risk. - No

John Buckhight, Village of Greenwood Lake Attorney– not all work can be done on bulkheads without drawdown. - Yes

Of all the attnedees 10 were in favor of the drawdown and 3 were against. Motion to close public portion at 8:33pm– George Vurno motioned, Floyd DeAngelo seconded.

November 2015 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission 11/18/2015 1480 Union Valley Road West Milford NJ 07480

Salute to the American Flag

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.


The meeting was called to order at 6:36pm. Paul Zarrillo read aloud the Open Pubic Meetings Law and noted that we were in compliance, Paul Zarrillo also commented that the Drawdown notice was sent to WM77 TV and WGHT-1500, and all papers. Paul Zarrillo then asked for roll call. Paul Zarrillo, Geroge Vurno, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Dan Bello, Martin Brand, Bill Link, and Dale VanNimwegen were present. Ed Krull and Paul Sullivan were absent.

Treasurer's Report

Dale VanNimwegen presented the Treasurer's Report. Dale reported that the staffer during the Autumn Lights Festival was paid $50 for his 5 hours of work, that our Director's and Officers Insurance will cost $1000, which is less than our previous policy, and is checking on whether the Commission bill for our general liability insurance needs to be paid. Dale reported that currently there are $13,857.78 in the NJ Lakeland Bank account, and $3,191.77 in the NY Sterling Bank account.

Paul Zarrillo then asked the Commission to approve the minutes for the last two meetings, as well as approve the payment of bills. Resolution: Approval of minutes from October and September 2015.

Motioned by: Dan Bello Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X

George Vurno Co-Chair X

Paul Sullivan

Clint Smith X

Bill Link X

Dale VanNimwegen X

Ed Krull

Floyd DeAngelo X

Eric Hastings X



Resolution: Payment of bills on Nov 18th 2015

Motioned by: George Vurno Seconded: Dale VanNimwegen Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X

George Vurno Co-Chair X

Paul Sullivan

Clint Smith X

Bill Link X

Dale VanNimwegen X

Ed Krull

Floyd DeAngelo X

Eric Hastings X



Commissioner Reports

Dale VanNimwegen reported that she has had trouble getting in touch with people for the NYDEC regarding the Morohan Grant but is still pursuing. Dale also reported that we need a minimum of one person to serve on the board of directors for the 501c3 the Commission is attempting to create. Paul Zarrillo stated he had 2 to 3 individuals interested in becoming leading members.

Dan Bello reported that the Commission and/or the Township of West Milford can get a blanket permit similar to the one the Village of Greenwood Lake gets during every drawdown, which streamlines the process of getting a permit to perform repair work on their docks. This difference is believed to be the reason why there are far fewer repairs performed on the NJ side, compared to the NY side of the lake which had over 80 applications last year. More details need to be discussed but Dan is very optimistic. Dan also noted that businesses and marina owners would have to apply for a separate Highland's exemption, and that the fee for the permits would be a set fee of $5000, although homeowner's have an automatic exception that can be shared by all NJ applicants. The blanket permit for the homeowners in town would be a one time fee, and the cost is split evenly amongst those who apply. This, he noted could be a disadvantage if very few people apply, but can be a big savings to local residents if many apply for these permits.

Floyd DeAngelo reported that he and George Vurno were still trying to meet representatives from Orange County to discuss funds for the Greenwood Lake Commission.

Eric Hastins reported that the memo of record memorializing the loss of records was sent. This memo would allow the Commission to receive the remaining funds from the Morohan Grant, despite a majority of our files being lost due to damage from several burst pipes in our office.

Paul Zarrillo reported that he has set up a meeting in early December with the Lake Hopatcong Foundation to discuss how to develop a 501c3. Paul also reported that after making a presentation to the Highlands Coalition that they are looking into creating a committee specifically designated to assist with issues Greenwood Lake faces. Paul also reported that the MSU study is almost complete, and are on schedule to make a presentation to the Commission at its next meeting December 16th. Paul also reported that he had been emailing Dr Lubnow of Princeton Hydro, and that we will apply for a $30-40 thousand dollar grant to install floating islands in Greenwood Lake that would absord excess phosphorus which is harmful to the lake. Paul did note that this is a matching grant, and an equal amount of work would need to be paid for by the Commission. Paul also updated the Commission on the status of the lease, which is not signed as we are negotiating terms with Adelo, the owner of our office at 2019 Greenwood Lake Turnpike. The Commission also announced the dates for our 2016 meetings. The dates and locations can be found below, as well as on our website GWLC.org. Greenwood Lake Commission Meeting Dates for 2016

January 27th at West Milford Town Hall: 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 7pm February 24th at Greenwood Lake Senior Center: 132 Windermere Ave. Greenwood Lake, NY 7pm March 23rd at West Milford Town Hall: 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 7pm April 27th at Greenwood Lake Senior Center: 132 Windermere Ave. Greenwood Lake, NY 7pm May 25th at West Milford Town Hall: 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 7pm June 22nd at Greenwood Lake Senior Center: 132 Windermere Ave. Greenwood Lake, NY 7pm July 27th at West Milford Town Hall: 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 7pm August 24th at Greenwood Lake Senior Center: 132 Windermere Ave. Greenwood Lake, NY 7pm September 28th at West Milford Town Hall: 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 7pm October 26th at Greenwood Lake Senior Center: 132 Windermere Ave. Greenwood Lake, NY 7pm November 16th at West Milford Town Hall: 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 7pm December 14th at Greenwood Lake Senior Center: 132 Windermere Ave. Greenwood Lake, NY 7pm

At this time the Commission wished to close the regular public meeting and call to order the Public Hearing on the drawdown. Dale VanNimegen made a motion to close the meeting, Second by Floyd DeAngelo. Close at 7:24

Public Drawdown Hearing

The Commission began the public hearing on the Drawdown at 7:30. Zarrillo announced the procedure for speaking and commented to the Commission that it will have to make a decision by its next meeting in December.

Barbara Evans – Expressed concern over the water level, but believes the drawdown is necessary for the lake - Yes Chris Lite – A new owner of Sportsman's Marina, has several concerns, but optimistic at the idea of the blanket permit. He is in favor, but only just and hopes that more planning can go into controlling the water level of the lake. Yes Ray Buckheight – In favor, Yes Eric Hastings – Making a special note that he was speaking as a resident and not a Commissioner, Eric expressed that good work was done during the last drawdown and believes more can be accomplished during this next drawdown – Yes. Antonio- In favor – Yes. Dan Mason – In favor – Yes.

Of all the attendees 6 were in favor of the drawdown and 0 were against. Motion to close public portion at 8:13pm– Dale VanNimegen motioned, Clint Smith seconded.

September 2015 Meeting Minutes

SEPTEMBER 2015 MEETING MINUTES Greenwood Lake Commission 9.28.2015 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 07480

Meeting start at 7:20 Paul Zarrillo read aloud the open public meetings law.


Paul Zarrillo, Floyd DeAngelo, Eric Hastings, Clint Smith, Dan Bello, Michael Flaherty, Ed Krull, Bill Link, and Dale VanNimwegen were present. George Vurno and Paul Sullivan were absent.


Vivienne Erk, the president of the West Milford Council was in attendance.

Paul Zarrillo opened the meeting by thanking Bruce VanNimwegen and Clint Smith for their help guiding and assisting the students and staff from MSU conduct their first water tests on Greenwood Lake.


Dale VanNimwegen presented the Treasurer's Report. Dale presented a budget sheet with the bills and total amounts in the Commission's bank accounts. Dale announced that all of the utility of the bills have been payed, and that they had been set up to be payed online which will allow Dale to set up a system where the bills can be payed evenly from both accounts, in accordance with the financial regulations the Commission is bound by. The New Jersey account has 14,000 dollars, and New York account has 3,201 dollars. Dale had reported that she had visited a branch of Sterling Bank in New York to sort out several deposits the Commission did not have a record for. One deposit of 30,000 dollars which was previously unknown has been found to be from Passaic County in July of 2011. There are still several transactions that need to be identified before both accounts can be finally settled, Dale is confident that matter will be resolved soon.

Dale also passed around a ledger of both accounts. Dale pointed out that in the NY ledger that a negative balance of approximately $14,000 was owed to the Village of Greenwood Lake, and that the Commission will be able to rectify this when the Commission is able to receive the remaining grant funds from Albany. The Mayor of the Village of Greenwood Lake sent 3 invoices of work preformed on Greenwood Lake performed under the Morohan Grant, Dale said she needed more documentation about the type of work that was preformed and also present evidence that it was preformed, before the grant money can be released to the Commission. Dale spoke to the NYDEC and their accounts are frozen until October 15th while the system is under maintenance their representatives cannot send payment or review the files.Dale said she is pursuing the matter and is confident the matter will be resolved soon.

Dale also investigated what are desiganted tax status is under the IRS and she reported that the IRS does not have our letter of statement. Dale said that the Commission needs to make a distinction when we report our files to the IRS and report us as either a 501c3 corporation or an Affiliated Governmental Entity. Dale recommended that the Commission ask a tax attorney to assist us with this question.

Paul Zarrillo asked Dale about the progress of establishing a foundation. Dale said that in order to be entrusted as a foundation the Watershed Management District needs 3 trustees. Paul Zarrillo said that he is meeting again with the Lake Hopatcong Foundation to get some advice on setting that up. Dale also mentioned she knew of a pro bono organization that the Hopatcong Foundation used to set up their 501c3.

Approval of Minutes

Floyd DeAngelo made the motion, Dale seconded. Passed unanimously.


Dan Bello presented his report to the Commission. Dan was able to put together a list of helpful links and recommended practices for property owners on Greenwood Lake in terms of dock and landscaping regulations. The links were provided to the Commission and will soon be available on our website GWLC.org Dan Bello also wanted to follow up on a question presented to the Commission regarding what permits are available for property owners on the lake during the drawdown. Dan reported that you either needed a "Highlands Permit" or needed to prove you were exempt from the Highlands regulations, but they may still need a Freshwater Wetland or Flood Hazard permit. There is something called an in-house exemption so homeowners can perform upkeep on their personal docks without needing a formal exemption from the Highlands, but may still need other permits. Dan also reported that the NJDEP gave permission for certain towns within the Highlands act to give out these permits and exemptions, so residents of Greenwood Lake can apply in West Milford instead of the NJDEP. The Village of Greenwood Lake has a similar program, where the Village applies to the NYDEC for a blanket permit, and then the Village would be responsible for managing applications for permits on the New York side. It does not seem that getting a blanket permit this year Dale VanNimewegen asked about the regulations on homeoweners associations where locals store their docks. Dan Bello said he had to follow up on that particular question.

Dan Bello also reported that, on the New Jersey side there were 5 flood hazard permits provided to residents living on Greenwood Lake in 2011 by the NJDEP. There was also one GP -11 valve repair permits, two GP – 18 Dam repair permits, one GP – 1 Maintenance of existing structures, 15 GP – 25 permits for septics repair, and 2 Highlands waivers given by the Fresh Water Commission to residents on Greenwood Lake. This is in comparison to 83 permits given to residents on the New York side of the lake. There was also a question about how many citations were given to residents who performed the work without receiving the permit, Dan Bello had to follow up with a separate enforcement agency.

Bill Link gave his report. Bill said he was still getting mixed opinions from different marina owners. The Commission asked several audience members who were marina owners themselves about their views on the drawdown, including former Commission member Steve DeFeo. The marina owners also gave mixed views; some were against the drawdown while others were in favor so long as it was for a purpose such as stump removal or dredging.

Paul Zarrillo asked how we should decide this, and recommended that we hold a public meeting in order to better asses the effectiveness and implementation of the drawdown. But there was a consensus that the plan needed to be publicized in detail. The Commission wants to plan one meeting on the New Jersey side and one meeting on the New York side. Clint Smith said he was concerned about how to disseminate the information, and wanted to ensure that everyone around the lake was informed. Dan Bello and Michael Flaherty both offered to help with these meetings, specifically they will gather information about permits and procedures for home and business owners on both sides of the lake.

Eric Hastings gave his report to the Commission. Eric said we needed to get a retroactive letter from the Village of Greenwood Lake regarding work performed on Greenwood Lake detailing the nature of the work and the cost of the work in order to satisfy the Morohan Grant.

Clint Smith gave his report to the Commission. Clint reported that the tour of the lake with Montclair was very successful and they have begun preliminary water tests. These tests are important to the Commission as we will need up to date information in order to apply for grants. Montclair University is also working to locate grants that the Commission is eligible for.

Paul Zarrillo gave his report to the Commission, he reported that Drew University has started a study to count and measure the docks around the lake as well as the number of houses on the lake, similar to the one they conducted on Lake Hopatcong. Paul also reported that the Ringwood State Park approached the Commission about supporting a new dam project, Paul reported that the Commission did not want to be involved. Paul also asked Vivienne Erk about the status of the the septic ordinance, the Councilwoman did not have any update. Paul decided to put information regarding septics and the drawdown at the booth the Commission will have at the Autumn Lights Festival scheduled for Saturday October 10th. Paul also brought up the possibility of joining the Highlands Coalition. Annual dues is $30, but Paul felt that it would behoove the Commission to get involved with a larger organization.

RESOLUTION: Join the Highlands Coalition Clint Smith made the motion to join, Dale VanNimwegen seconded. Passed unanimously.

Meeting concluded at 9:36pm

August 2015 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission 8/28/2015 132 Windermere Ave. Village of Greenwood Lake, NY 10925

Salute to the American Flag

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.


The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm. Paul Zarrillo read aloud the Open Pubic Meetings Law and noted that we were in compliance, then asked for roll call. Paul Zarrillo, Paul Sullivan, Dale VanNimwegen, Clint Smith, Floyd DeAngelo, Dan Bello, Michael Flaghery, Bill Link, and Ed Krull were present. George Vurno and Eric Hastings were absent.

Special Guests included Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the village of Greenwood Lake, and Keith Garley the Village Judge for the Village of Greenwood Lake.

Treasurer’s Report

Dale VanNimwegen presented the Treasurer’s Report to the Commission. The report that Dale presented, as she commented was a better format than originally presented to the Commission, because it allowed readers to better differentiate between New Jersey and New York accounts. Dale also reported that the report did not reflect the monies received from the August Boat Licensing Course. Dale reported that we had $15,654 in the NJ Lakeland Bank Account and $3,084 in the NY Sterling Bank Account. The Mayor of the Village of Greenwood Lake, Jesse Dwyer made a public comment during the report, he was concerned that the report showed, $127,000 was given back to the Village, and was wondering where the remainder was.  Paul Zarrillo commented that the Commission consisted solely of volunteers, however he did not feel that certain members were pulling their weight. Paul Zarrillo as well as the Mayor of the Village of Greenwood Lake did note that they were impressed with the information Dale VanNimwegen was able to gather and present. Dale also presented that she was able to uncover $13,811 of sub-contractor work which was conducted during the time of the Morohan Grant, and while further investigation was needed felt that this would satisfy the requirements of the grant. This would allow the Greenwood Lake Commission to repay the Village. After much discussion it was determined that the Finance Committee should meet with the Mayor Jesse Dwyer and the Village Judge Keith Garley regarding the remaining balance.

Move the minutes – 2 corrections – Floyd attended and Keith helped pull weeds. Dale motioned and Clint seconded. Minutes passed.

Commissioner Reports

Dan Bello opened with his report. Dan commented that Eric Pain from the Ringwood State Park should be contacted regarding the special meeting concerning the drawdown, seeing that he has authority over the raising and lowering of the damn. Dan also asked Paul Zarrillo if he had received the contact information he had sent for Americorps, which Paul did receive. Dan also reported that he was still working on creating an informational packet of recommended dock regulations and practices for Greenwood Lake; as well as helpful links on the DEP webpage, that would be informative to Greenwood Lake and its residents.

Michael Flagherty of the NYDEC also reported that he gathered the number of houses on the NY side which acquired permits to do work on their docks and to dredge outside their home. The number of houses totaled 83. Progress still needs to be made to make a blanket permit easier to acquire for the NJ side.

Floyd DeAngelo reported that he was delayed in speaking with representatives from Orange County regarding funding for the Greenwood Lake Commission, but was still pursuing this avenue along with George Vurno.

Bill Link reported that he followed up with the possible donation of a boat from Skip’s Dock and Marina. There was a dispute between the owners of the boat and whether they wanted to donate it or not. The topic of the cost of the boat came up, and the Mayor of the Village of Greenwood Lake offered to maintain the boat, and would allow the Commission to use it when necessary. Clint Smith commented that Upper Greenwood Lake has boats equipped with hardware that allows them to pull logs and stumps out of the lake and asked if it would be possible for the Commission to do the same, it was decided that although unlikely we would look into it.

Bill also reported on his effort to poll the local marina oweners regarding the drawdown. Dale commented that using a free automated service such as survey monkey would ease the process, Bill is looking into that avenue. Ed Krull asked the Commission if anyone knew why the dam was raised so late last year. Dale commented that raising the water level to quickly would destroy the docks on the lake. It was suggested that Eric Pain from the Ringwood State Park, the person who holds the authority to raise or lower the dam, be invited to the next meeting for comment. Paul Zarrillo reported that he was able to contact the representatives from Montclair and Drew University. The representative from Montclair had drafted a proposal for the type of work that needed to be done. Zarrillo was surprised, as he was told that the work would come at little or no cost for the Commission. The proposal from Montclair had a fee totaling $124,000. Zarrillo and the Commission agreed that further discussion is needed to either reduce the price, or have Montclair assist us in acquiring a grant to fund the project. A representative from Drew Univeristy in scheduled to meet with the Commission this Friday to determine the feasibility of the dock study they wish to conduct. Mayor Jesse Dwyer asked if the report could reflect the breakdown of docks and size by municipality. 

Dale VanNimwegen then reported to the Commission that there was no new information on the 501c3 but it was confirmed that so long as Dale did not sit on the board of officers on the 501c3 then there wouldn't be a conflict with her remaining on the Greenwood Lake Commission.

New Business

Clint Smith noted that the Council for the Township of West Milford's next public meeting at this point is Sept 2nd and believed the mandatory septic pumpout ordinance was on the agenda, Andy Abdul was asked what the progress was, but Andy was not involved in that discussion and was unable to shed light.

The Village of Greenwood Lake had completed reviewing the MUA regarding the transfer of ownership of the weed harvester and the Mayor Jesse Dwyer had the document, which Paul Zarrillo signed at the meeting.

Paul Zarrillo reported that the boat license course was attended by 10 people, and the Commission was able to profit by $350 after paying the Coast Guard for attending the class and for supplying lunch to the participants. Zarrillo also wanted to again thank Tim Wagner,manager of the airport, where he allowed the class to be hosted free of charge. Zarrillo said that after two successful classes he anticipated becoming a regular event and believes we can continue to host them free of charge at the airport. The Commission has scheduled a calss in February and May of 2016. 

July 2015 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission 7/22/2015 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 07480

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.


The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm. Paul Zarrillo read aloud the Legal Public Notice law and noted that we were in compliance before roll call. Paul Zarrillo, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, George Vurno, Paul Sullivan, Dale VanNimwegen, Michael Flagherty, Ed Krull, and Bill Link were in attendance. Floyd DeAngelo was absent. Dan Bello was also in attendance but did not have voting power for this meeting.

Special Guests included Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the Village of Greenwood Lake, Vivienne Erk President of the West Milford Town Council, and Ada Erik of the West Milford Town Council.


Dr. Fred Lubnow gave a special presentation to the Greenwood Lake Commission. Dr. Lubnow opened by saying he was disappointed that the 319H grant the Commission and West Milford Township applied for was denied, but was optimistic that future applications could be more successful. The Commission had received a 319 grant the previous year and their were several targeted areas in New Jersey that received that grant. One of the two projects was for a storm water drainage program, originally the water was planned to be dumped on property owned by the Passaic River Coalition, but could not get the approval in time for the grant; however the plan is written and almost ready for bid which would make the application for a grant more likely to be accepted. Dr Lubnow then began talking about Floating Wetland Islands, which is a tool used to adsorb harmful phosphorus in lakes. Dr. Lubow began going over several facts about these islands; a single island can absorb 10 pounds of phosphorus, they last 10-15 years, and are less harmful to the local environment. The Commission and Dr. Lubnow were optimistic that the Commission could, in the future acquire another 319H grant and use it to control point source pollution on Greenwood Lake.


Paul Zarrillo announced several letters sent by the Greenwood Lake Commission. A letter was sent to Sportsmans Marina and the Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 10-13 for helping conduct the first vessel safety inspection, the event was very successful and the Commission plans on making it an annual event. Another set of letters was sent to Skip's Marina and several volunteers who helped curb invasive plant species in the north arm of Greenwood Lake, specifically water chestnuts and fanwort by pulling them out by hand. A press release was sent out and the Commission hopes to make this an annual event. Clint Smith commented that we should of had more turnout from the local residents, Paul Zarrillo said he did attempt to reach out through NY Commissioners, but hopes that following years would yield more results.


Dale VanNimwegen presented the Treasurer's Report. Dale handed out a document which detailed our financial transactions since the beginning of the calendar year. The report included monies pending and received from the Morahan Grant, as well as monies raised from the Boat License course. Dale said the bill for worker's compensation insurance had been paid, and asked the Commission if the bill from HydroQual for the presentation of the dredge study was paid, Ed Krull commented that he believed the bill was fully paid, and we are looking into the matter further. Dale reported that the Commission had $15,328.31 in the NJ Lakeland Bank account, and $3,194.51 in the NY Sterling Bank account.

Ed Krull asked about the money received from the Morohan Grant, and asked specifically how much money we have from the grant, and which bank accounts they are being held in. Ed also asked when the Village of Greenwood Lake was paid, and how much they are still owed. The Village was given a check totaling $14,200 two meetings ago. Zarrillo asked to table the discussion until Executive Session. The Mayor of the Village of Greenwood Lake asked if the Morohan grant would be discussed in Executive Session, if so the Village expressed there belief that an Executive Session was an inappropriate forum to discuss the grant. George Vurno commented that the Commission was reviewing the contract with the DEC regarding the Morohan Grant, and that the decision of how to pay back the Village of Greenwood Lake could present a legal issue for the Commission. After much discussion Paul Sullivan moved to table the talks of the Morohan Grant until the next meeting in order to investigate the matter further, Dale VanNimwegen seconded the motion.


The approval of the minutes was tabled until the next meeting, several Commissioners wished to have further time to review the minutes. Paul Sullivan made the motion to table the minutes, Ed Krull seconded.


Bill Link gave his report the Commission. Bill had been calling the various marina's in the area to gather their opinion on the drawdown. The few marina owners that were contacted were very opinionated on the subject and he had not completed the survey. Paul Zarrillo asked about the progress of getting a public forum together to discuss options. The Commission is going to pick a date after Labor Day to hold the forum, and will weigh all options before having a public meeting on the drawdown.

Eric Hastings gave his report to the Commission. Since his report was related to the drawdown, Hastings reported that there has been progress in our attempt to implement a blanket permit to allow mechanical means of dredging behind personal properties during the drawdown.

Dale VanNimwegen gave her report to the Commission. Dale reported on the progress of creating a Foundation in order for the Lake to fundraiser for initiatives and projects in and around Greenwood Lake. Dale expressed concern over keeping the executive board of the Foundation that is separate from the Greenwood Lake Commission. Dale plans on reaching out to Lake Hopatcong to gather information and advice on how to construct the Foundation. Dale is also looking into, along with Paul Zarrillo on acquiring insurance for the Greenwood Lake Commission so that they may participate in various events happening in the local area.

Dan Bello gave his report the Commission. Dan reported that he is still awaiting the official letter from the Commissioner of the NJDEP making him a voting member of the Commission. Dan is also working, along with the NYDEC on creating an informational pamphlet about regulations and recommended practices for homeowners and boaters regarding dock regulations on Greenwood Lake.

Paul Zarrillo gave his report to the Commission. Zarrillo reported that he is continuing to work with Montclair and Drew Universities to conduct various studies on Greenwood Lake, but the summer season is making it difficult to maintain contact, but next week Zarrillo plans on meeting with representatives from both universities. Zarrillo also reported that we are moving forward with the boat license course on August 23rd at the Greenwood Lake Airport. Paul Zarrillo asked for inforamtion and opinion of Americorps and the Greenwood Lake Commission getting involved, Dan Bello also offered to give the contact information for Americorps, who has gone out to several local areas to conduct projects on various lakes. Zarrillo also commented on the success of the aquatic weed removal project and thanked Skips Dock and Marina, the volunteers and especially Eric Hastings for his outstanding effort in pulling weeds. Zarrillo also mentioned that he had gathered much of the necessary information regarding the formation of a 501c3 from meeting with the Lake Hopatcong Foundation, as well as former Commissioner Bill Olsen, and West Milfrod Councilwoman Vivienne Erk.


Paul Zarrillo mentioned the Office of Emergency Management was holding another meeting about emergency action plans of lakes in the surrounding area, and again the Commission was never notified of the meeting. Zzarrillo believes it is very important that the Greenwood Lake Commission be involved in these meetings as there is no police or fire presence on the lake. Zarrillo reported that the office did not call back, and that he is working to create and educate boaters about a lake emergency plan. Jesse Dwyer of the Village of Greenwood Lake commented that they respond to emergencies on the lake on both the NY and NJ side, and that West Milford Police Department notifies the Village of Greenwood Lake of all emergencies.

Zarrillo also reported that Skips Marina has decided to donate a 21 foot pontoon boat to the Greenwood Lake Commission. Zarrillo asked if the Commission was interested in procuring the boat. The only cost to the Commission would be gas and insurance, and discussed the possibility of using it for lake projects. The Commission is interested, but wishes to inspect the boat and the cost of insurance further. Bill Link and Eric Hastings agreed to examine and test the boat.


Ada Erik from the West Milford Township Council requested the Commission send the meeting minutes to the Town Clerk as well as the Administrator and Council, and requested that the Greenwood Lake Commission present a video to the Township Film Commission to be run on the local public access channel. The Commission will send the minutes to the Clerk, and will look into creating a video. The Commission currently sends minutes to surrounding town, county, and state officials.

Andy Abdul of West Milford's Environmental Commission updated the Commission on the progress of implementing regular water testing on Greenwood Lake. Andy Abdul notified the Township has the equipment to test to water for nitrates and phosphates, and that the cost of testing the water from each site would be approximately cost $1 per site. Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the Village of Greenwood Lake asked if the Township would be willing to share the equipment, and offered to pay for the cost of the testing for all sites on the NY side of Greenwood Lake. The Township of West Milford expressed interest in conducting tests in the NY side. Mayor Jesse Dwyer also reported that they were in contact with the Township of West Milford to work on their software program designed to assist the Township of West Milford in enforcing their septic ordinance.

Paul Sullivan made a motion to close the meeting, Dale VanNimwegen seconded. The meeting was called to a close at 9:07pm. Our next meeting will be August 26th at 7pm, in the Senior Center located in the Village of Greenwood Lake. If you needed to contact us you may do so you by visiting our website GWLC.org, emailing us at info@GWLC.org, or calling our office at 973-506-7800.

June 2015 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission 6/24/2015 132 Windermere Ave. Village of Greenwood Lake, NY 10925

Salute to the American Flag

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.


The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm. Paul Zarrillo, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Dan Bello, Martin Brand, Bill Link, and Ed Krull were present. George Vurno and Dale VanNimwegen was absent.

Special Guests included Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the village of Greenwood Lake, and Keith Garley the Village Judge for the Village of Greenwood Lake.

Paul Zarrillo opened the meeting by announcing bills incurred by the Greenwood Lake Commission, which included normal utilities and a bill from our insurance company, Vreeland & Associates, totaling $1045 for our policy. Zarrillo asked for a vote to pay the bills, followed by a vote to approve the minutes from the previous meeting.

Resolution: Payment of Bills, June 2015

Motioned by: Paul Sullivan Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Yes

George Vurno Co-Chair

Paul Sullivan Yes

Clint Smith Yes

Bill Link Yes

Dale VanNimwegen

Ed Krull Yes

Floyd DeAngelo Yes

Eric Hastings Yes

DEP (Dan Bello) X

DEC (Martin Brand) X

Resolution: Approval of Minutes for Commission meeting in May, 2015 Motioned by: Martin Brand Seconded: Paul Sullivan

Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Yes

George Vurno Co-Chair

Paul Sullivan Yes

Clint Smith Yes

Bill Link Yes

Dale VanNimwegen

Ed Krull Yes

Floyd DeAngelo Yes

Eric Hastings Yes

DEP (Dan Bello) Yes

DEC (Martin Brand) Yes


A package, which was addressed to Bill Olsen a previous Commissioner, was received by the Greenwood Lake Commission. The package was sent from a Warwick engineering company and contained the plans for Castle 13, located on the shoreline of Greenwood Lake. The Commission is occasionally asked for their input on any construction or development near Greenwood Lake. In the past Castle 13 has had problems with their septic and fertilizer runoff, Paul Sullivan did comment that septics regularly need repair and updates. Ed Krull also commented that he has seen a tremendous amount of work take place at the Castle 13 site and believes they have addressed the issue. Since Bill Olsen no longer sits on the Commission, Paul Zarrillo asked if any Commissioners would accept the duties of reviewing site plans. Bill Link and Eric Hastings volunteered for the task. The Commission stated that they would take this on purely as an advisory role and not an enforcement entity. Martin Brand did ask Link and Hastings to follow up with Castle 13 to confirm whether or not they received a storm water prevention plan and permit.

Paul Zarrillo read aloud two letters, one sent from the Greenwood Lake Commission to Eric Pain from the Ringwood State Park and his letter in response. The letter sent from the Commission was a request to limit the outflow of water from the dam to the required minimum. Eric Pain responded by stating he will be able to restrict the outflow of water to the required minimum out barring any extenuating circumstances.

Zarrillo presented an article published in the West Milford AIM on June 4th, 2015 covering the partnership between the MUA and the Greenwood Lake Commission to combat pollution in and around Greenwood Lake Watershed.

Zarrillo also announced that he received a proposal from Montclair University detailing the study they wish to conduct on Greenwood Lake. The study includes nutrient and pathogen surveys, fecal contamination, invasive species management plans, and outreach plans. The study would cost the Commission little to no money and both parties are willing to proceed with this study.

Zarrillo then presented pictures of a tour of Belcher's Creek taken by Dan Bello and himself. While on the tour Zarrillo and Bello they looked for possible points of pollution. Belcher's Creek will be a site the Commission plans to regularly test with the new water testing equipment being procurred by the Township of West Milford.


Martin Brand reported that he is working on a fact sheet for the New York side of the lake, which would contain recommended fertilizers, materials for docks and bulkheads, and other information about regulations on the lake. Dan Bello is doing the same for the New Jersey side.

Eric Hastings reported that he spoke with Vincent Manzi of the NJDEP regarding the regulations of personal dredging outside of one's house during the drawdown. The current regulations limit the dredging to “by-hand” methods, and restricts it to 10 yards from the house's shoreline. Hastings is looking to change it to 36 yards, and permit mechanical means of dredging. With this change it would become possible for homeowner's to pay a professional for dredging services. Hastings reported that Vincent Manzi is receptive to the idea and is inquiring how to accommodate the request. Hastings also commented that the progress of the weed harvesting has improved from previous years; yet this has not reduced the number of complaints regarding “floaters” in Greenwood Lake. Zarrillo commented that unless we dredge or use herbicides the issue of floaters will persist. Zarrillo also reported that the homeowner's who agreed to use herbicides on there personal property plan on administering the herbicides this upcoming week. Hastings also commented that the meeting with the MUA was well received, and that a neighbor of his, Victor Ludmere was interested in serving on the committee tasked with working with the MUA to achieve shared goals.

Clint Smith reported that Sears has contacted him regarding the dumping of wood pallets and shopping carts into Greenwood Lake, the new manager is working to install a chain link fence, which would decrease the likelihood of materials being taken from the job site and dumped in Greenwood Lake.

Paul Sullivan reported that the Township of West Milford is moving forward with training the Commission how to use water testing equipment the town recently procured.

Paul Zarrillo reported that the Township of West Milford is moving forward with their software program designed to assist the town in enforcing its septic pump-out ordinance. The Township is running into some difficulties and is reaching out to the Village of Greenwood Lake for assistance. Zarrillo also reported that Drew University is still interested in conducting a study on both the New Jersey and New York side of Greenwood Lake. The study would include the number and size of docks, number of boats that can be docked on Greenwood Lake, and the number of houses on the lake; the university wishes to start this project after Labor Day. Zarrillo also reported that on July 12th the Coast Guard Auxiliary will be conducting a free boat safety inspection on Greenwood Lake at Sportsman's Marina. Zarrillo also reported that the application for the 319 grant which was applied for by both the Greenwood Lake Commission and the Township of West Milford was denied, and that a representative from Princeton Hydro wishes to attend our next meeting to discuss future grant opportunities.


Zarrillo reported that we have confirmed the times for the next two boat safety licensing course. There will be one on Sunday, August 23rd, and Sunday Febuary 7th, both will be held at the West Milford Airport.

Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the Village of Greenwood Lake asked to come to an agreement regarding the weed harvesters given by the Commission to the Township of West Milford and the Village of Greenwood Lake. West Milford wishes to hand back control over two of the weed harvesters, both of which Jesse Dwyer was willing to take. Bill Link was concerned over handing over an asset to the Village when the Commission has very little funds and no means of reliable income and was hesitant to hand over something which could be sold. Hastings and Zarrillo commented that the harvesters have an operating cost which the Commission could avoid paying if the Village took over control of weed harvesting. Zarrillo then asked for a vote.

Resolution: Transfer of Ownership of 2 Weed Harvesters to the Village of Greenwood Lake, May 2015 Motioned by: Ed Krull Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo

Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Yes

George Vurno Co-Chair

Paul Sullivan Yes

Clint Smith Yes

Bill Link Abstained

Dale VanNimwegen Yes

Ed Krull Yes

Floyd DeAngelo Yes

Eric Hastings Yes

DEP (Dan Bello) Yes

DEC (Martin Brand) Yes


Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the Village of Greenwood Lake asked about the status of the Morohan Grant, as the Village is still owed money from the Greenwood Lake Commission. Dale VanNimwegen was absent and the Commission was unable to give an update. Paul Sullivan commented that it's imperative that we acquire the rest of the funds from the Morohan Grant before repaying the Village of Greenwood Lake, as a majority of our current funds are from Passaic County. Legally we would be unable to use these funds on projects conducted on the New York side of Greenwood Lake, and he also commented that it would also be an insult to Passaic County if we used their funds for projects outside of New Jersey.

The Commission then opened up the floor to discussion about the upcoming drawdown, scheduled to take place between 2016-2017 during the winter months. Several marina owners were in attendance and wished to discuss the drawdown. The marina owners had several concerns including loss of business and the chance that a lack of rain/snow could prolong the drawdown. The Marina owner's also asked what the purpose of the drawdown is, and why it is mandated to be done every 5 years. There was concern over who authorizes the drawdown, and it was determined that while the DEP has control to approve or deny the Commission's application to conduct a drawdown, it was in fact the perogative of the Greenwood Lake Commission whether or not to conduct one. The marina owner's did comment that when a stump reduction project was conducted during the drawdown, there was less frustration on the part of marina owners and boaters on Greenwood Lake, but they do not see the purpose of conducting a mandatory drawdown unless a special project is needed. After much discussion it was decided that more input was needed, and the Commission felt it would be more prudent to make a decision after everyone in the community had a change to provide their input.

Paul Sullivan made a motion to close the meeting at this time, Eric Hastings seconded. The meeting ended at 9:33pm. Our next meeting will be July 22nd at 7pm, in the West Milford Town Hall. If you needed to contact us you may do so you by visiting our website GWLC.org, emailing us at info@GWLC.org, or calling our office at 973-506-7800.