June 2015 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission 6/24/2015 132 Windermere Ave. Village of Greenwood Lake, NY 10925

Salute to the American Flag

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.


The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm. Paul Zarrillo, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Dan Bello, Martin Brand, Bill Link, and Ed Krull were present. George Vurno and Dale VanNimwegen was absent.

Special Guests included Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the village of Greenwood Lake, and Keith Garley the Village Judge for the Village of Greenwood Lake.

Paul Zarrillo opened the meeting by announcing bills incurred by the Greenwood Lake Commission, which included normal utilities and a bill from our insurance company, Vreeland & Associates, totaling $1045 for our policy. Zarrillo asked for a vote to pay the bills, followed by a vote to approve the minutes from the previous meeting.

Resolution: Payment of Bills, June 2015

Motioned by: Paul Sullivan Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Yes

George Vurno Co-Chair

Paul Sullivan Yes

Clint Smith Yes

Bill Link Yes

Dale VanNimwegen

Ed Krull Yes

Floyd DeAngelo Yes

Eric Hastings Yes

DEP (Dan Bello) X

DEC (Martin Brand) X

Resolution: Approval of Minutes for Commission meeting in May, 2015 Motioned by: Martin Brand Seconded: Paul Sullivan

Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Yes

George Vurno Co-Chair

Paul Sullivan Yes

Clint Smith Yes

Bill Link Yes

Dale VanNimwegen

Ed Krull Yes

Floyd DeAngelo Yes

Eric Hastings Yes

DEP (Dan Bello) Yes

DEC (Martin Brand) Yes


A package, which was addressed to Bill Olsen a previous Commissioner, was received by the Greenwood Lake Commission. The package was sent from a Warwick engineering company and contained the plans for Castle 13, located on the shoreline of Greenwood Lake. The Commission is occasionally asked for their input on any construction or development near Greenwood Lake. In the past Castle 13 has had problems with their septic and fertilizer runoff, Paul Sullivan did comment that septics regularly need repair and updates. Ed Krull also commented that he has seen a tremendous amount of work take place at the Castle 13 site and believes they have addressed the issue. Since Bill Olsen no longer sits on the Commission, Paul Zarrillo asked if any Commissioners would accept the duties of reviewing site plans. Bill Link and Eric Hastings volunteered for the task. The Commission stated that they would take this on purely as an advisory role and not an enforcement entity. Martin Brand did ask Link and Hastings to follow up with Castle 13 to confirm whether or not they received a storm water prevention plan and permit.

Paul Zarrillo read aloud two letters, one sent from the Greenwood Lake Commission to Eric Pain from the Ringwood State Park and his letter in response. The letter sent from the Commission was a request to limit the outflow of water from the dam to the required minimum. Eric Pain responded by stating he will be able to restrict the outflow of water to the required minimum out barring any extenuating circumstances.

Zarrillo presented an article published in the West Milford AIM on June 4th, 2015 covering the partnership between the MUA and the Greenwood Lake Commission to combat pollution in and around Greenwood Lake Watershed.

Zarrillo also announced that he received a proposal from Montclair University detailing the study they wish to conduct on Greenwood Lake. The study includes nutrient and pathogen surveys, fecal contamination, invasive species management plans, and outreach plans. The study would cost the Commission little to no money and both parties are willing to proceed with this study.

Zarrillo then presented pictures of a tour of Belcher's Creek taken by Dan Bello and himself. While on the tour Zarrillo and Bello they looked for possible points of pollution. Belcher's Creek will be a site the Commission plans to regularly test with the new water testing equipment being procurred by the Township of West Milford.


Martin Brand reported that he is working on a fact sheet for the New York side of the lake, which would contain recommended fertilizers, materials for docks and bulkheads, and other information about regulations on the lake. Dan Bello is doing the same for the New Jersey side.

Eric Hastings reported that he spoke with Vincent Manzi of the NJDEP regarding the regulations of personal dredging outside of one's house during the drawdown. The current regulations limit the dredging to “by-hand” methods, and restricts it to 10 yards from the house's shoreline. Hastings is looking to change it to 36 yards, and permit mechanical means of dredging. With this change it would become possible for homeowner's to pay a professional for dredging services. Hastings reported that Vincent Manzi is receptive to the idea and is inquiring how to accommodate the request. Hastings also commented that the progress of the weed harvesting has improved from previous years; yet this has not reduced the number of complaints regarding “floaters” in Greenwood Lake. Zarrillo commented that unless we dredge or use herbicides the issue of floaters will persist. Zarrillo also reported that the homeowner's who agreed to use herbicides on there personal property plan on administering the herbicides this upcoming week. Hastings also commented that the meeting with the MUA was well received, and that a neighbor of his, Victor Ludmere was interested in serving on the committee tasked with working with the MUA to achieve shared goals.

Clint Smith reported that Sears has contacted him regarding the dumping of wood pallets and shopping carts into Greenwood Lake, the new manager is working to install a chain link fence, which would decrease the likelihood of materials being taken from the job site and dumped in Greenwood Lake.

Paul Sullivan reported that the Township of West Milford is moving forward with training the Commission how to use water testing equipment the town recently procured.

Paul Zarrillo reported that the Township of West Milford is moving forward with their software program designed to assist the town in enforcing its septic pump-out ordinance. The Township is running into some difficulties and is reaching out to the Village of Greenwood Lake for assistance. Zarrillo also reported that Drew University is still interested in conducting a study on both the New Jersey and New York side of Greenwood Lake. The study would include the number and size of docks, number of boats that can be docked on Greenwood Lake, and the number of houses on the lake; the university wishes to start this project after Labor Day. Zarrillo also reported that on July 12th the Coast Guard Auxiliary will be conducting a free boat safety inspection on Greenwood Lake at Sportsman's Marina. Zarrillo also reported that the application for the 319 grant which was applied for by both the Greenwood Lake Commission and the Township of West Milford was denied, and that a representative from Princeton Hydro wishes to attend our next meeting to discuss future grant opportunities.


Zarrillo reported that we have confirmed the times for the next two boat safety licensing course. There will be one on Sunday, August 23rd, and Sunday Febuary 7th, both will be held at the West Milford Airport.

Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the Village of Greenwood Lake asked to come to an agreement regarding the weed harvesters given by the Commission to the Township of West Milford and the Village of Greenwood Lake. West Milford wishes to hand back control over two of the weed harvesters, both of which Jesse Dwyer was willing to take. Bill Link was concerned over handing over an asset to the Village when the Commission has very little funds and no means of reliable income and was hesitant to hand over something which could be sold. Hastings and Zarrillo commented that the harvesters have an operating cost which the Commission could avoid paying if the Village took over control of weed harvesting. Zarrillo then asked for a vote.

Resolution: Transfer of Ownership of 2 Weed Harvesters to the Village of Greenwood Lake, May 2015 Motioned by: Ed Krull Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo

Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Yes

George Vurno Co-Chair

Paul Sullivan Yes

Clint Smith Yes

Bill Link Abstained

Dale VanNimwegen Yes

Ed Krull Yes

Floyd DeAngelo Yes

Eric Hastings Yes

DEP (Dan Bello) Yes

DEC (Martin Brand) Yes


Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the Village of Greenwood Lake asked about the status of the Morohan Grant, as the Village is still owed money from the Greenwood Lake Commission. Dale VanNimwegen was absent and the Commission was unable to give an update. Paul Sullivan commented that it's imperative that we acquire the rest of the funds from the Morohan Grant before repaying the Village of Greenwood Lake, as a majority of our current funds are from Passaic County. Legally we would be unable to use these funds on projects conducted on the New York side of Greenwood Lake, and he also commented that it would also be an insult to Passaic County if we used their funds for projects outside of New Jersey.

The Commission then opened up the floor to discussion about the upcoming drawdown, scheduled to take place between 2016-2017 during the winter months. Several marina owners were in attendance and wished to discuss the drawdown. The marina owners had several concerns including loss of business and the chance that a lack of rain/snow could prolong the drawdown. The Marina owner's also asked what the purpose of the drawdown is, and why it is mandated to be done every 5 years. There was concern over who authorizes the drawdown, and it was determined that while the DEP has control to approve or deny the Commission's application to conduct a drawdown, it was in fact the perogative of the Greenwood Lake Commission whether or not to conduct one. The marina owner's did comment that when a stump reduction project was conducted during the drawdown, there was less frustration on the part of marina owners and boaters on Greenwood Lake, but they do not see the purpose of conducting a mandatory drawdown unless a special project is needed. After much discussion it was decided that more input was needed, and the Commission felt it would be more prudent to make a decision after everyone in the community had a change to provide their input.

Paul Sullivan made a motion to close the meeting at this time, Eric Hastings seconded. The meeting ended at 9:33pm. Our next meeting will be July 22nd at 7pm, in the West Milford Town Hall. If you needed to contact us you may do so you by visiting our website GWLC.org, emailing us at info@GWLC.org, or calling our office at 973-506-7800.