September 2016 Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission 9/28/2016 1810 Macopin Road, West Milford, NJ Meeting Start: 7:00pm Paul Zarrillo opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Zarrillo then read aloud the Open Public Meetings Act. Present: All Absent: None Lt. Kevin Hanrahan and John Cruzo: NJ State Police, Barry Cheney: Orange County Legislature, Terry Duffy: Passaic County Freeholder, Matthew Brett, Col. John Graham: West Point, John Buckheit: Village of Greenwood Lake Attorney, Steve Newhaus: Orange County, NY Executive.
Lt. Kevin Hanrahan and John Cruzo from the NJ State Police gave a presentation on the effect of the patrols. The representatives from the NJ State Police reported that they pulled over 138 vessels, but only gave warnings to boaters. The state police are expected to return next season with expanded patrols. COMMISIONER REPORTS Eric Hastings: No reports Eric Pain: Reported that the current lake is lower than average, which is due to the lack of rain. The drought warning that is currently in effect does not mean there is a drought, just that it is a possible occurrence.
Mike Flaherty: The NYDEC has only received a handful of application for dock and bulkhead maintenance, which is lower than average. The Village Attorney commented that historically the lion's share of permits are submitted in January. Floyd DeAngelo: Met with the Orange County Executive regarding the contract for funds that was rejected due to the language. The original contract was a reimbursement grant, but the funds were to be used for administrative expenses, such as office utilities, supplies, and various lake needs. Ed Krull: Village is developing a passive boat launch for non-motorized boats at the north end of the lake near the American Legion. The project has started and progress is being made. Bill Link: Reported that he and other marina owners are concerned of the effect of the current drought warning on the drawdown, despite the 6 week cushion, which allows the Commission to end the drawdown between Jan 1st and Feb 15th. Sullivan suggested that we wait until the public can voice their concerns before making a decision. Zarrillo reported that there are no plans from the NJDEP to cancel the drawdown. Clint: No report. Paul Sullivan: Attended yesterday's Freeholder meeting to update them on the projects and the drawdown. Sully requested assistance from the Freeholders if the drawdown takes place to de-silt the shore of the lake. The Freeholders are discussing the possibility and is waiting a status update on the drawdown. Sully also plans to discuss the possibility of an increased police presence next year with their help. Sully also complimented Zarrillo and his work, and reaffirmed his position that the Commissioners need to consider the amount of time they are able/willing to commit to the Greenwood Lake Commission, and he himself will resign if he believes he is not able to make that commitment. George Vurno: Reported why the contract from Orange County that was rejected. The original verbal agreement left us with the impression that the funds would not be granted on a reimbursement basis. The laws that govern the Commission restrict NJ funds from being spent in NY, and vice versa. Currently NJ has been paying the majority of basic bills and utilities. Paul Zarrillo: Reported that the NJDEP has awarded $84,350 to the Commission for stump reduction project. Zarrillo wished to thank Senator Pennachio and Kerry Pflugh from the NJDEP for their assistance in securing the funds. In order to accept them, the Commission needs to vote to accept. Zarrillo is concerned that if there was not a drawdown this year, then we would lose the funds. The current contract would only address the stumps and not the floating islands. Dale did mention that the contract had a provision to amend it if need be. Sullivan motioned to accept the funds, Dale seconded. All in favor except Mike Flaherty who abstained. Zarrillo continued his report. On Saturday Sept 24th, 30 students from MSU visited the lake to conduct water and sediment testing. Zarrillo thanked several volunteers present in the audience, and Elena Dystra from Greenwood Lake Marina, for lending the Commission 3 personal boats so the students could conduct the testing. Col. Graham from West Point participated in the outing, commented that the water testing can be applied to grant applications. Steve Newhaus entered the meeting at this point, and did not intend to interrupt but had the updated contract and check for $20,000. The Commission allowed Steve Newhouse to interrupt so the contract could be signed and notarized at the meeting. Zarrillo continued his report. He attended a North Jersey District Water Supply meeting earlier today to request compensation for the 3.3 million gallons of drinking water that is supplied daily from Greenwood Lake. He and many others believe that Township of West Milford, as well as the other municipalities surrounding the lake are unfairly burdened by the effects of the Highlands Act, and wish to receive compensation to mitigate the cost. The Chairman of the District Supply Board did mention that water purification efforts on the lake would save the processing plant money, and if that was accomplished there could be compensation to the Commission. Zarrillo reported on the reward for information on the hit and run accident this past Labor Day. The Greenwood Lake Commission worked to get reward money - not $22,000 as reported in the paper. It's between $6,000 and $11,000. Donors: Moosehead: $500 GWL Marina: $500 Emerald Point $500 Defeo's Marina: $500 Sportsmans Marina: $2500 Jersey PaddleBoard: $100 Bridget Vanderboss: $100 Awosting Association: $500 Andrew & Densie Baker: $100 Scott Burnam: $50 South Shore Marina: $500 Small Craft Marina: $5oo

Dale VanNimwegen gave the Treasurer's Report. Expenses - Normal operating expenses. Pizza for Sept 24th testing. Also reported that the Commission's Directors and Officers Insurance Policy would be due next month. Public Portion: The Commission opened the floor and allowed a discussion amongst the public, and had an extensive discussion regarding the drawdown. At 9:30 Ed Krull motioned to adjourn the meeting, Sully seconded Yes: Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Floyd DeAngelo, Ed Krull No: Paul Zarrillo, George Vurno, Dale VanNimwegen, Michael Flaherty, Eric Pain, Eric Hastings, Bill Link The public portion continued until 9:36. Motion to close public portion - Dale, seconded by Eric. All in favor. Close meeting at 9:37. Eric Hastings motioned, Dale seconded. All in favor except George Vurno who abstained. Below are links to important documents including: Submissions from the public, the Treasurer's report, and a news report. The next meeting of the GWLC will be October 26th, at the Senior Center in the Village of Greenwood Lake, located on 132 Windermere Ave. Website: Phone: 973-506-7800 Email: